CANON 550D - Printable Version

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CANON 550D - LEONARDO LUMA - 03-30-2012

Hi !

Somebody can help me

I want to buy one 70-200

What is difference from F/4 L USM 550 €

F/4 L IS USM 1100 €

I want to know like quality of photo L USM is OK

Thank you

Sorry my English

CANON 550D - Guest - 03-31-2012

The IS version has image stabilization (to help reduce the impact of hand motion). It also has a bit higher resolution wide open; though a few people have commented that the non IS version has a more pleasing look.

The non IS version is a very fine lens and was well respected prior to the IS version (which is also highly regarded). Unsure which has close focus though you can look this up easy enough. Both seem to do well with 1.4x converter though I believe the IS version does a bit better here.

CANON 550D - Brightcolours - 03-31-2012

[quote name='you2' timestamp='1333207766' post='17226']

The IS version has image stabilization (to help reduce the impact of hand motion). It also has a bit higher resolution wide open; though a few people have commented that the non IS version has a more pleasing look.

The non IS version is a very fine lens and was well respected prior to the IS version (which is also highly regarded). Unsure which has close focus though you can look this up easy enough. Both seem to do well with 1.4x converter though I believe the IS version does a bit better here.


Both focus equally close, however the IS version seems to have a problem there quality wise. unsure if that is sample related.

The non-IS version has smoother bokeh, the IS version is sharper (and therefore also does better with an 1.4 or 1.7x tele converter.