2.0/35 and 2.0/50 would be a little disappointing... imho, these are the two focal lengths where the FE system does not necessarily need any more alternatives at the moment (1.8/55 & 2.8/35, lots of LTM & M-mount lenses).
And f/2.0 is not particularly fast either..
We'll certainly know more in 1-2 weeks, but judging from these rumors I'm beginning to think that cramming a 35mm sensor inside the E-mount was not the wisest decision in the history of camera design.. It seems that designing compact fast glass for the FE mount is extremely difficult/expensive. But with "slow" lenses a lot of the benefits of the larger sensor (low light performance, narrow DOF) vanish. I think the FE-mount could really use some relatively compact f/1.4 primes and/or f/2.8 zooms to put it above the other mirrorless systems.
The 70-200/4G OSS already shows that full format mirrorless cameras make rather limited sense.
Putting a 300/2.8 on such a camera would be downright ridiculous IMHO.
Sony should look into Canon's DO technology maybe - despite some problems this is (so far) the only thing that make sense for long tele lenses on mirrorless cameras.
Tell that to Fuji who had a 120-400 lens on the roadmap (unless memory fails me...)
Quote:Tell that to Fuji who had a 120-400 lens on the roadmap (unless memory fails me...) 
Let them find out for themselves!
This will be an APS-C lens of unknown speed at least.
400mm f/5.6 lens still requires at least 77mm front filter, no matter what format it is. Do you think it's going to be slower, like f/6.7?
Personally I'm expecting a 4.5-6.3 lens. But it'll not be small - Fuji isn't into small zoom lenses.
Quote:Looks like the Loxia lenses are just slightly modified ZM lenses. Same optical formular. <_<
I guess that is why they came up with another silly name (Loxia).... ZE was already taken, used for the Canon mount lenses (ZE = Canon EOS, ZF = Nikon F, ZM = Leica M).