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Seems that the Nikon 1 cameras have similar strange annoyances as their compact cameras usually are plagued with, most of them pretty inexplicable...


"The only issue that I ran into with the vibration reduction system is a stubborn tendency to attempt to ‘correct’ lateral camera movement when initiating a panning movement. This is a particular problem when filming at long focal lengths. The VR system introduces a noticeable lateral ‘jolt’ in the footage when you initiate a panning movement or change panning speed."

Pretty weird, as they have no such problem in their DSLRs. Are the different design teams no working from a common design and technological solution base?

Manual focus...

"To make it easier to see what's in focus and what's not - at least in theory - the zoom switch on the V1's rear acts as a focus area magnification toggle. The trouble is that the screen image gets lower and lower in resolution as you zoom in, making it very hard to focus accurately. To be honest, after trying repeatedly to use manual focus, and failing to reliably get sharp results, I think this is more of a token gesture than a serious feature."

How come? Other Nikon cameras (both DSLR and compact digital) do zoom in on higher res. files. Why the Nikon 1 not? Pretty odd. Hope they change this in a firmware update.

"Firstly, the exposure mode dial on the V1's rear, which rotates far too freely.

The J1 has this problem as well - in my shooting I've lost count of the number of times I've accidentally rotated the dial when shifting my grip on the camera, and ended up in one of the other exposure modes."

How did that not pop up as a problem during development?

"Secondly, with its kit zoom and 10mm pancake lens options the V1 powers up quickly in roughly 1 second, and only takes a fraction of a second longer to power down. When the camera goes to sleep though, it takes almost two seconds to 'wake up' before you can take a photograph, and a long half press of the shutter button is required to rouse it."

Two seconds to wake up, and a long half shutter button press? <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mellow.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mellow:' />

" Shot to shot time in single frame advance mode isn't great either at around two seconds on average, including AF re-aquisition."

That is... rather slow.

I am impressed by the noise profile of the rather smallish sensor. I like the 3x2 format. I like the idea of maybe being able to "adapt" my ultra micro Nikkors on it, because of the Nikon name. But with such usability niggles that really are not necessary..


First China-made interchangeable lens camera from Nikon. Enough said.
[quote name='thw' timestamp='1319381573' post='12430']

Enough said.


About Nikon or about your attitude?

Sorry to be so frank, but where is the relation between design errors of a camera and its place of production?

The AF-S 105 VR was the first high end Nikon lens to be produced in China. Crappy lens, isn't it? <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

-- Markus


[quote name='Brightcolours' timestamp='1319363037' post='12428']

Seems that the Nikon 1 cameras have similar strange annoyances as their compact cameras usually are plagued with, most of them pretty inexplicable...


"The only issue that I ran into with the vibration reduction system is a stubborn tendency to attempt to ‘correct’ lateral camera movement when initiating a panning movement. This is a particular problem when filming at long focal lengths. The VR system introduces a noticeable lateral ‘jolt’ in the footage when you initiate a panning movement or change panning speed."

Pretty weird, as they have no such problem in their DSLRs. Are the different design teams no working from a common design and technological solution base?

Manual focus...

"To make it easier to see what's in focus and what's not - at least in theory - the zoom switch on the V1's rear acts as a focus area magnification toggle. The trouble is that the screen image gets lower and lower in resolution as you zoom in, making it very hard to focus accurately. To be honest, after trying repeatedly to use manual focus, and failing to reliably get sharp results, I think this is more of a token gesture than a serious feature."

How come? Other Nikon cameras (both DSLR and compact digital) do zoom in on higher res. files. Why the Nikon 1 not? Pretty odd. Hope they change this in a firmware update.

"Firstly, the exposure mode dial on the V1's rear, which rotates far too freely.

The J1 has this problem as well - in my shooting I've lost count of the number of times I've accidentally rotated the dial when shifting my grip on the camera, and ended up in one of the other exposure modes."

How did that not pop up as a problem during development?

"Secondly, with its kit zoom and 10mm pancake lens options the V1 powers up quickly in roughly 1 second, and only takes a fraction of a second longer to power down. When the camera goes to sleep though, it takes almost two seconds to 'wake up' before you can take a photograph, and a long half press of the shutter button is required to rouse it."

Two seconds to wake up, and a long half shutter button press? <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mellow.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mellow:' />

" Shot to shot time in single frame advance mode isn't great either at around two seconds on average, including AF re-aquisition."

That is... rather slow.

I am impressed by the noise profile of the rather smallish sensor. I like the 3x2 format. I like the idea of maybe being able to "adapt" my ultra micro Nikkors on it, because of the Nikon name. But with such usability niggles that really are not necessary..


I read the same review and I got the impression that the reviewer had a lot more positive reactions to the system than negative. Should I be surprised that you only point out the negatives, <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
[quote name='Vieux loup' timestamp='1319387494' post='12433']

I read the same review and I got the impression that the reviewer had a lot more positive reactions to the system than negative. Should I be surprised that you only point out the negatives, <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />


I was waiting for your reponse... it is not like the negatives are minor points <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />..., Figures (your reaction), it is a nikon product after all. <img src='http://forum.photozone.de/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />
The most annyoing thing about it is that it's still difficult to get hold of one. At least over here.

Nikon claims it is widely available, however I haven't found a store yet that could deliver a complete system (or at least a V1 with both kit zooms and the pancake). Well almost: I could get a white kit from cameratools.nl ... however I'd really consider this as emergency fallback only.

-- Markus
[quote name='mst' timestamp='1319462649' post='12454']

The most annyoing thing about it is that it's still difficult to get hold of one. At least over here.

Nikon claims it is widely available, however I haven't found a store yet that could deliver a complete system (or at least a V1 with both kit zooms and the pancake). Well almost: I could get a white kit from cameratools.nl ... however I'd really consider this as emergency fallback only.

-- Markus


Haha.. yes, the white is not nearly as attractive as the black one. Other stores also seem to just have white.
Looks like I secured a deal for a basic (black!) V1 kit with the 10-30mm zoom and also the superzoom. The tele zoom seems to be available in a few stores, too.

The pancake seems to be the biggest problem currently. And most of the accessories are still unavailable.

-- Markus


Cameranu.nl has them both I have been told. Brightcolours, I am not all blind to the potential negatives of this new system, but I try to see both sides. Actually, I will try it out and let you know what I think [Image: dry.gif]
[quote name='Vieux loup' timestamp='1319471589' post='12458']

Cameranu.nl has them both I have been told. Brightcolours, I am not all blind to the potential negatives of this new system, but I try to see both sides. Actually, I will try it out and let you know what I think [Image: dry.gif]


Ok, your posts are weird. I made a post specifically about the weird, odd, not understandable negative points that are not "potential" but reported on by dpreview in a preview on how it handles. I even pointed out one pro for the cameras.

Then you come with weird post number one basically accusing me of... just being negative because it is from Nikon.

Nowyou are all of a sudden not blind to the "potential negatives" of "this new system". Right.

I am not in the least interested in what you think after trying it out, by the way. Just so you know. I am more interested in the opinions of knowledgeable people, putting those against my own experience and what I find important.