
Full Version: Updated review: Nikon AF-S 14-24 mm f/2.8 (Nikon FX)
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Reworked the flare section to include samples shot with an FX camera, especially those showing flare spots coming from the sun behind the camera (no joke).


-- Markus


Thanks for complete lens review.

I have one question.

Do you/Klaus have planned to check lens flare by future lens reviews?

As far as I know Klaus and you ware busy with preliminary flare/glare Imatests.


How do they finish?

I hope that I didn’t misused the thread


That's allright, Miro.

We haven't really tried to measure veiling glare with Imatest. It would not be too difficult to build the test chart, however the question is: how field-relevant is the measured value really?

Out in the field, glare (as measured in Imatest) and flare seem two different issues to me. At least the flare issues I described in the 14-24 review wouldn't have been detected with the Imatest veiling glare measurement.

It probably makes more sense to stick to a slightly more pragmatic approach. Every lens will show some flare or glare in backlight situations. It's simply a given that we won't mention in the reviews, unless we test a lens that happens to be very prone or very resistant to flare. In this case we mention the behaviour in the review, combined with one or two illustrating test shots (see 14-24, 200VR and 24/1.4 FX reviews for examples).

Of course, this will only happen with lenses that we actually had the chance to use in the field in sunny conditions. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

-- Markus


[quote name='mst' timestamp='1294086664' post='5323']

That's allright, Miro.

We haven't really tried to measure veiling glare with Imatest. It would not be too difficult to build the test chart, however the question is: how field-relevant is the measured value really?

Out in the field, glare (as measured in Imatest) and flare seem two different issues to me. At least the flare issues I described in the 14-24 review wouldn't have been detected with the Imatest veiling glare measurement.

It probably makes more sense to stick to a slightly more pragmatic approach. Every lens will show some flare or glare in backlight situations. It's simply a given that we won't mention in the reviews, unless we test a lens that happens to be very prone or very resistant to flare. In this case we mention the behaviour in the review, combined with one or two illustrating test shots (see 14-24, 200VR and 24/1.4 FX reviews for examples).

Of course, this will only happen with lenses that we actually had the chance to use in the field in sunny conditions. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

-- Markus


Hello Markus,

Thank you for quick and relevant feedback. I fully agree that flare and glare are two different thinks and Imatest measures only glare. I have different vision about your second part.

From photographic point of view the flare can be easily avoided in digital edge

1. At the time of shoot - you must check the image at LCD. If flare exists. Just move camera few degrees left or right up or down and take next shoot. Mostly the flare is gone.

2. Remove flare artificial by Post processing. – They are plenty of Photoshop tutorials about flare removal techniques. I will briefly mention 3 of them.

a. Cloning tool – not very efficient and time consuming.

b. Painting over with Brush using brush Color Overlay mode. – Very efficient and cost few seconds. It solves problems 90..98% of the cases and takes few seconds.

3. In cs5 the content aware fill should work somehow. I’ve never tried.

To make long story short, I don’t care if one lens shows flare because I have a cure for it. If one lens shows glare I don’t have any solution.

Thant is why I want to see either MTF at let say 10 or 5 lines per milimeter or Imatest glare test.

I wonder what you, Klaus and other community members think about it!



PS. I’m currently fighting with Tokina 100 macro that shows in field severe glare artificial.

Simple test with white wall and small dark dot shows low contrast too.