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I am very new, so forgif me this topic if there were allready questions about.

I own an old analogue camera:Olympus OM-2N with some lenses as the 55 mm (1.2), the 35mm (2.8) and the macro 50mm (3.5).

I own also a DSLR Olympus E 520 with standard lense:14-42mm (3.5-5.6).

The question is: my equipment is not good enough to take good stillives and flower compositions.

By this, I should like to ask if somebody has experience with good equipment. The lense resolution is one of my greatest concerns. As a painter (fine- painting art) I would like to take up my own compositions to paint them later on. What should I buy to get results as the Photo in annex?

With this I show a photo of my favourite Russian photographer: Julya Medvedeva (www.photodom.com).

Thanks for helping,

[quote name='JOHANVAN' timestamp='1290256109' post='4281']


I am very new, so forgif me this topic if there were allready questions about.

I own an old analogue camera:Olympus OM-2N with some lenses as the 55 mm (1.2), the 35mm (2.8) and the macro 50mm (3.5).

I own also a DSLR Olympus E 520 with standard lense:14-42mm (3.5-5.6).

The question is: my equipment is not good enough to take good stillives and flower compositions.

By this, I should like to ask if somebody has experience with good equipment. The lense resolution is one of my greatest concerns. As a painter (fine- painting art) I would like to take up my own compositions to paint them later on. What should I buy to get results as the Photo in annex?

With this I show a photo of my favourite Russian photographer: Julya Medvedeva (www.photodom.com).

Thanks for helping,



The only reason I can think of as downside to your E-520 is the image format (4:3) which is not a very attractive format... 3:2 is much more agreeable to the eye and for compositions.

For the rest, what do we see in that image? We see a big depth of field (DOF), you can do that with an E-520. We see carefully designed lighting of the subject. That is not camera dependent. And we see careful post processing of the photo, also not really all that dependent on the camera.

Although a full frame camera like a Sony A850 or a Canon 5D mk II have an advantage (more dynamic feel to the results, higher resolution available for bigger prints), one should also be able to get good results with a 4/3rds camera like your E-520.

A lens with better contrast may help too, but contrast in such images needs careful post processing anyway.

Learning about light and post processing should be your first priority, I think?