
Full Version: Tokina Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 in development
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They already have a very good 16-28f2.8 what's new about this one?? Already protruding front element and limited range were drawbacks of previous model, why keeping them ???
Obviously this will be a Pentax + Tokina collaboration. So gone will be the clunky Tokina AF implementation.


It's not on the Pentax roadmap....and I think this would be a step too far for them.... I think Tokina are going it alone maybe having picked up hints and tips from the 50mm F1.4 en route!
Pentax already has the Tamron 15-30 G1 type - I don't see any point in going Tokina with a smaller range.
If the new version can address the weak performance at the wide end, then why not?
(09-28-2018, 09:10 AM)Brightcolours Wrote: [ -> ]Obviously this will be a Pentax + Tokina collaboration. So gone will be the clunky Tokina AF implementation.
The pictures so far seem to suggest otherwise. Which is a little mindboggling - if they can implement a decent modern focusing mechanism (motor + haptics) in the 50mm what's keeping them from doing likewise with the 16-28?  Huh
Maybe they had 5 pieces left from the last "series" and dind't want to throw them away? Or Pentax was unwilling to buy all?
Hah, if only - the "Opera" version seems to have the new focus ring pattern but... with the familiar clutch underneath! WTF.
You're kiddin'?!