
Full Version: HD Pentax DA 11-18mm f/2.8 ED DC AW
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Seems pretty sharp unless the marketeers applied their magic there.
When was the last time Pentax did something for their remaining APS-C customers? Now they even showed a mockup of a 85 FF lens, wow...
What happened to their partnership with Tokina ? Tokina 11-20f2.8 is still an excellent APS-C lens so why bother ???
Because Tokina will replace that lens soon with this new one, no doubt?
"No doubt"? :rolling eyes:
There's no sign of this lens' design being given to Tokina. And... the upcoming D FA 70-200 f/4 is said to be small and light; which the Tokina isn't.

As for the APS-C users, there will be a new 16-50-ish.
I would've totally got a lens like this... if I had been a Pentax shooter AND the price hadn't been so damn high.


Looks like a very nice lens indeed!.............but, it begs the question of what camera to put it on?.......

The K3II has come to the end of it's run.........and the only APSc bodies remaining from Pentax are the KP and the K70.......both of which are generally less well spec'd than the K3II .......IQ beats the K3II on the KP but a small battery and poor buffer etc. just don't make it an aspiring model!..........

With Pentax rumours abounding that there is no replacement K3 III body due until 2020, ......they are running a huge risk in this rapidly changing market, waiting!

How many will now risk their hard earned €1,400 on this APSc "expensive" lens..........given Pentax's precarious situation?
Well, the main problem for the K3 replacement is the lack of a new sensor offer. We've been stuck with the the base 24 mp Sony sensor since ~2011; there have been improvements, but they were mainly for mirrorless cameras (on-sensor PDAF for example). This, combined with the rapid decline of the camera market, means you simply can't keep up the "new camera every 1-2 year" cycle of the 2000s.

I mean, what new & exciting features can Pentax offer in their top of the line APS-C camera?


(03-04-2019, 01:35 PM)Spinifex Wrote: [ -> ]Well, the main problem for the K3 replacement is the lack of a new sensor offer. We've been stuck with the the base 24 mp Sony sensor since ~2011; there have been improvements, but they were mainly for mirrorless cameras (on-sensor PDAF for example).  This, combined with the rapid decline of the camera market, means you simply can't keep up the "new camera every 1-2 year" cycle of the 2000s.

I mean, what new & exciting features can Pentax offer in their top of the line APS-C camera?
The K3 II dates from April/May 2015 so that's very nearly four years.
   I'm sure you can still find a K3 II but it is out of production so it's really down to the KP. I had the K3 I which was a fine enough camera......but to me the KP is a down grade albeit with lower noise.

  K3 III could have the:

  better AF-C of the K1 II.

  lower noise sensor of the KP.........(they have the parts already)

   and just a few tweaks.

  I just can't see that waiting a further year was/is a good plan!
Chicken and egg - they need the camera when they launch the lens, and they need lenses when they'll launch the camera. And they're doomed because they can't make both the camera and a full line of lenses Wink
Except it doesn't work that way. The DA* 11-18mm can be used on current cameras - say, the KP - and will be used on future cameras. It would be best if the new 16-50-ish will be ready as well, when they'll have the new APS-C flagship.

(03-04-2019, 02:48 PM)davidmanze Wrote: [ -> ]  I just can't see that waiting a further year was/is a good plan!
It's a better plan than launching an incomplete camera Wink
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