
Full Version: Pentax executive think people will be switching back to DSLRs
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At least that's what he said,
DSLRs will not die at least in the near future just like film is not dead...


(05-19-2019, 11:55 AM)toni-a Wrote: [ -> ]https://pentaxrumors.com/2019/05/18/ricoh-executives-think-that-in-1-2-years-mirrorless-users-will-start-switching-back-to-dslr/

At least that's what he said,
DSLRs will not die at least in the near future just like film is not dead...

   Pentax have had a lot of time on their hands lately, what with not producing much..... that has enabled them to "dream" about what could be their perfect world ....... the one where Pentax is the leading brand, like it was in the good old days..  

 ..... it is difficult to know where the "seeds" of this delirium began..... "saké" is the odds on favourite ..... giving them the benefit of the doubt!

   So,  we have camera company with a pedestrian product line ..... with no intentions of going ML, in a falling photography market that surely is ...... and decides to roll the dice on .......

The "second coming" of the "mighty" Pentax DSLR !! 

  Does something not sound right to you guys?
Well, what shall he say? They have barely any money or resources.
Their engineers would be thrilled to do something new but they just can't.

Maybe they hope that they can survive till CaNikon have jumped the DSLR ship and then they'' harvest the breadcrumbs in that segment.


Well basically I guess he's trying to put on a brave face in what you say is a difficult situation ...... however, it might have been better saying nothing at all about it. ........ I'm still convinced that Ricoh could have injected a little more money for their common good ..... a company like Ricoh knows about business and returns on investment ....... nothing in .... very little out.
Have they still have stocks of lenses they want to see sold?

Canikon will be producing certain higher range DSLRs for three to five years to come yet ....... but they won't be so competitively priced.
The ones who will sell their mirrorless after they sold their DSLR systems and then coming back to DSLR again, might be just the number of clients Pentax still has - or at least can handle in the future. I agree, some strong substances must have been abused before running such a bewildered statement - but hey, what kind of fun else do you have as Ricoh rep?
I don't know executive who will remain with Pentax without some form of doping, given the status of their camera sales...
The title is wrong. The actual claim is that some people will be switching back to DSLRs - with the implication that Pentax will be able to continue being a DSLR brand. And that's on the short term; they talk about 2-3 years.
Nothing wrong with the title. Toni-A said "people", not "all people". It doesn't matter if 3, 300 or 3000 will go back to DSLR, "some" is not necessary to specify as nobody knows today what will happen in two, three years. It's just interesting how you defense mechanisms (for Pentax) jump into action, predictable and reliably. Big Grin


(05-21-2019, 10:39 PM)JJ_SO Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing wrong with the title. Toni-A said "people", not "all people". It doesn't matter if 3, 300 or 3000 will go back to DSLR, "some" is not necessary to specify as nobody knows today what will happen in two, three years. It's just interesting how you defence mechanisms (for Pentax) jump into action, predictable and reliably. Big Grin

Hiroki Sugahara: Currently, mirrorless is a newcomer, so of course many users are very interested in the new systems, they want to use [them]. But after one or two years,    "some users"    who changed their system from DSLR to mirror-less will come back to the DSLR again.

   Obviously that was a linguistic slip .....Hiroki Sugahara said "some users" where he meant to say;

                                                 everybody!    Smile

And of course, me meant to say: Everybody who tried mirrorless from Sony, Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Fuji and Panasonic will come back to Pentax DSLRs.  Rolleyes
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