
Full Version: Sample Gallery - Canon RF 35mm f/1.8 STM IS macro
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I'll embed it into the already existing review tomorrow.
Very nice, thanks Klaus.

I'm curious about the shootout locations.

Where was this shot taken? https://photozone.smugmug.com/Canon-RF-35mm-f18-STM-IS-macro/i-sx9XKLc

And this one? https://photozone.smugmug.com/Canon-RF-35mm-f18-STM-IS-macro/i-f9fLVbW

Prospecting some places to go for a future OZ visit ;-)
Well, yes, this ain't Sydney. ;-) I just returned from a little vacation on Tasmania - our almost annual summer escape.

The first link shows "Cradle Mountain" - the most well-known national park on the island.
The 2nd one shows "the nut" and the town of Stanley on the north coast.

There are many more extraordinary beautiful spots. And some great food, too. Tasmanian wine and whiskey are world-class and the seafood is to die for.
(12-30-2019, 12:11 PM)Klaus Wrote: [ -> ]Well, yes, this ain't Sydney. ;-) I just returned from a little vacation on Tasmania - our almost annual summer escape.

The first link shows "Cradle Mountain" - the most well-known national park on the island.
The 2nd one shows "the nut" and the town of Stanley on the north coast.

There are many more extraordinary beautiful spots. And some great food, too. Tasmanian wine and whiskey are world-class and the seafood is to die for.

Thanks, Klaus for the explanation.

Looks like Tasmania might be a very interesting destination indeed.
I love seafood, so that's a good excuse to go :-)
(12-30-2019, 12:11 PM)Klaus Wrote: [ -> ]Well, yes, this ain't Sydney. ;-) I just returned from a little vacation on Tasmania - our almost annual summer escape.

The first link shows "Cradle Mountain" - the most well-known national park on the island.
The 2nd one shows "the nut" and the town of Stanley on the north coast.

There are many more extraordinary beautiful spots. And some great food, too. Tasmanian wine and whiskey are world-class and the seafood is to die for.

This is an Interesting Blog. Thanks for sharing.