along with other lenses
Some say it's for RF ASP-C, I am almost sure it isn't: Canon RF APS-C in unlikely to happen, and why would they make a 18-45 kit while they can easily make 18-55 or even 18-135 in EFM ??
As a full frame lens, it seems a direct response to Panasonic 20-60, although I would have preferred a 20-60 just like panasonic it's better than nothing. When Canon will release RF 16-35f4, only price and weight will remain attractive
I don't know how or to who that all these lenses and cameras are going to sell .......
...... the forums are filling up with reports of quite large price increases and deals are done for the moment ......
It's all very well Canon and others announcing a range of new lenses and bodies ..... but reading around the industry's financial reports we are in for quite a turn down economically...... which will take not too long to filter through to people's pockets .... and all those complete systems with lenses might sit on the shelves at their new increased prices for some time ......
...... without so much as mentioning the ever increasing down turn in camera/ lens sales market itself.
I won't be buying anything until the market has settled to a stable level ........ and probably not even then ....... given the sheer amount of S/H gear suddenly flooding the market ...... which btw isn't selling!
(06-15-2020, 09:13 AM)davidmanze Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know how or to who that all these lenses and cameras are going to sell .......
...... the forums are filling up with reports of quite large price increases and deals are done for the moment ......
It's all very well Canon and others announcing a range of new lenses and bodies ..... but reading around the industry's financial reports we are in for quite a turn down economically...... which will take not too long to filter through to people's pockets .... and all those complete systems with lenses might sit on the shelves at their new increased prices for some time ......
...... without so much as mentioning the ever increasing turn down in camera/ lens sales market itself.
I won't be buying anything until the market has settled to a stable level ........ and probably not even then ....... given the sheer amount of S/H gear suddenly flooding the market ...... which btw isn't selling!
In a shrinking market, I am sure Canon's goal is to still get as big a slice of that remaining market. They of course need lenses for that, and cameras.
(06-15-2020, 09:38 AM)Brightcolours Wrote: [ -> ] (06-15-2020, 09:13 AM)davidmanze Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know how or to who that all these lenses and cameras are going to sell .......
...... the forums are filling up with reports of quite large price increases and deals are done for the moment ......
It's all very well Canon and others announcing a range of new lenses and bodies ..... but reading around the industry's financial reports we are in for quite a turn down economically...... which will take not too long to filter through to people's pockets .... and all those complete systems with lenses might sit on the shelves at their new increased prices for some time ......
...... without so much as mentioning the ever increasing turn down in camera/ lens sales market itself.
I won't be buying anything until the market has settled to a stable level ........ and probably not even then ....... given the sheer amount of S/H gear suddenly flooding the market ...... which btw isn't selling!
In a shrinking market, I am sure Canon's goal is to still get as big a slice of that remaining market. They of course need lenses for that, and cameras.
They'll need customers with large pockets

What they need most is a Canon RP with a modern sensor.
The crappy RP sensor must be putting off quite a few customers IMO.
A lowly Fuji X-T30 puts it to shame....
That sensor is perfectly adequate. What they need most is upgrade the RP with a complete mechanical shutter, the current one actually will impact certain images.
As far as the sensor goes, yes, it's adequate to take good pictures (which is pretty valid for any sensor size down to 1'' sensors).
However, when one buys a FF camera, they probably expects better IQ than APS-C. Sadly, the RP does not fulfil this expectation.
I wasn't aware it didn't feature a fully mechanical shutter.
What's the problem with the existing shutter?
Objectively speaking, I have no complaints concerning EOSRP sensor, a big story is made about its dynamic range: 11 f stops instead of 14 isn't the end of the world, although 11 fstops is already enough for 99.9% of your shots.
Its color rendition is excellent and noise control very decent, I can safely use up to ISO 12800 without worrying about noise.
I might be biased though since I use it almost exclusively for my kids shots, for landscape I still prefer APS-C. And even if I had a new Sony sensor everyone is raving about 14 f stops dynamic range is only valid at base ISO, since I use my RP in the ISO 400-1600 most of the time I will see little to no difference.
Now as market is shrinking, they are trying to create a demand , going mirrorless already meant replacing the whole gear...
(06-15-2020, 12:13 PM)toni-a Wrote: [ -> ]Objectively speaking, I have no complaints concerning EOSRP sensor, a big story is made about its dynamic range: 11 f stops instead of 14 isn't the end of the world, although 11 fstops is already enough for 99.9% of your shots.
Its color rendition is excellent and noise control very decent, I can safely use up to ISO 12800 without worrying about noise.
I might be biased though since I use it almost exclusively for my kids shots, for landscape I still prefer APS-C. And even if I had a new Sony sensor everyone is raving about 14 f stops dynamic range is only valid at base ISO, since I use my RP in the ISO 400-1600 most of the time I will see little to no difference.
Now as market is shrinking, they are trying to create a demand , going mirrorless already meant replacing the whole gear...
You won't see a difference at base ISO either, unless you for inexplicable reasons "pulls shadows" many stops.
(06-15-2020, 12:21 PM)Brightcolours Wrote: [ -> ] (06-15-2020, 12:13 PM)toni-a Wrote: [ -> ]Objectively speaking, I have no complaints concerning EOSRP sensor, a big story is made about its dynamic range: 11 f stops instead of 14 isn't the end of the world, although 11 fstops is already enough for 99.9% of your shots.
Its color rendition is excellent and noise control very decent, I can safely use up to ISO 12800 without worrying about noise.
I might be biased though since I use it almost exclusively for my kids shots, for landscape I still prefer APS-C. And even if I had a new Sony sensor everyone is raving about 14 f stops dynamic range is only valid at base ISO, since I use my RP in the ISO 400-1600 most of the time I will see little to no difference.
Now as market is shrinking, they are trying to create a demand , going mirrorless already meant replacing the whole gear...
You won't see a difference at base ISO either, unless you for inexplicable reasons are "pulling shadows up" many stops.
No inexplicable reasons here ...... real ones!
D500: .... I try to stay down at 200-250 ISO for those very dark (black to the human eye) glossy ibis/ vultures ..... 1/2500 at F4.5 ...... even lower if possible ....... many at 1/2000 F4 for around 120 ISO ..... there will still be a little noise remaining .....
....... then you can pull those "copper bronze" tones out of their blackness and have that "rarely seen by the human eye" iridescence .....
..... any sort of rise in ISO and you have detail crushing noise ..... and detail looks crude ....
I've just never bought any of that "don't need 14 stops of dynamic range" business ....... the more the merrier ...... how about 16 stops??