See here:
Very interesting stuff. Promises to give us photon counting sensors eventually.
Kind regards, Wim
Hi Wim, this has been the dream for sensor architects for some time. Photon counting it will eliminate the random noise caused by photons bouncing around... I read about this several years back and the main obstacle was data processing. Camera processor has to chew through 1TB of data before the file of the image is generated.
Thanks for sharing Wim.
It is sesnor with very interesting properties and only one shortcoming.
Avalanche effect on semiconductors is uncontrolled process. It mean that it can detect absence or presence of photon at one pixel.
Avalance diode, zener diode & powerMOS-FETs-body diode exhibit such phenomen.
The interesting part is that avalnacehe effect is fast - it happen within few picoseconds. For such small time the photon travel only few micrometers. - use for distance measurement - as mentioned in this article. It igive accuracy of laser interfereometer with pixel resolution of image sensors.
Another interesting properties is - almost no rolling shutter - only few nanoseconds. good to capture high speed chemical reaction, or moving object or particles. - interesting properties for scientific and industrial applications.
Actually quite interesting stuff with many application areas.
Thanks for sharing
I can see already its potential in medical imaging, with 3D reconstruction ability it should be a killer, for CT scans sometimes contrast media (that are slightly toxic) are given to patient to enhance image quality a CT equipped with such a sensor could allow imaging without using them , it will allow use of less radiations for imaging, and more important it will decrease CT duration, getting detailed images of some moving organs like the heart are rather difficult, just like motion blur in photography with such a sensor it will become a non issue.
Since they manage to measure distance if a Doppler technique is used on red blood cells like in echography then vascular images with unprecedented quality can be done, and since Doppler can measure blood flow speed, and we have the diameter of the vessels by CT invasive studies of the vessels like arteriography will become obsolete especially most diabetic patients having vessels disease requiring imaging of the arteries already have kidney damage from diabetes and use of contrast media can be very risky for them.
Such a CT would be revolutionary easily outclassing competition