The MTFs aren't overly stellar for a macro. Even the old 100mm f/2.8 non-L is better (at f/2.8)
Hmm had high expectations and it was on my wish list.... Maybe keeping the EF 100 macro isn't a bad idea in that case... especially it never disappointed me
The images look sharp, and rendered very nice.. If I had/would get an RF mount camera, I sure would look into this one with interest.
It is not doubt Canon announced great thinks last week. I’m canon shooter and I alredy have EF 100 Macro. Here is my calculation table
Canon EF 100 macro vs RF 85/2 macro
o cost 150 vs 699 Euro bought at Dutch eBay
o 1:1 vs 2: 1
o EF slightly shraper
o Colors - EF have auful colors – somehow to work around in post processing. Skin tones in porthrets is an challenge
o Bokeh – EF has terrible bokeh voor not macro distances.
All in all RF lens is an side step. With 450% price difference makes little sense to go for new one except that you are videographer. Event them you have to think not twice but 4,5 times before order RF lens. No wonder that market is shrinking.
The numbers
Sorry but I totally disagree with you, Canon 100mm macro colors are as good as it gets I own it and use it extensively for portraiture
As for Bokeh, not the best but can't say it is bad
(07-10-2020, 10:44 AM)toni-a Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry but I totally disagree with you
With all 5 points or only with one
I assume that you meant only the color cast
1. Bokeh – from your own thread
2. Colors – they are not bad , but not up to let’s say 2000..2010 standards. Even my old sigma 150 macro is way better that EF100macro. Here is comparison with EF 100 L IS macro
The difference with modern leneses are even bigger. Just look at Sigma ART primes
(07-10-2020, 12:23 PM)miro Wrote: [ -> ]
checking the two shots comparing colors they can't be real, in one picture the lips and gums have the same color, in the second it's obvious a lipstick was applied, I have already used both and I can assure you absolutely no problem with colors
(07-10-2020, 12:23 PM)miro Wrote: [ -> ]Bokeh – from your own thread
I wrote "on close focus distance (less than 2 meters) bokeh is amazing but when distance is longer things aren't that good, bokeh is still fine but not as good as I want."
So yes, it's not the best in class but still decent, let's see how the RF85mmf2.0 will perform here, obviously the RF 85mmf2.0 is still on my wish list
In order to ease the discussion - the EF 100mm L IS is also in the same price range - and sharper.
But you won't see that in the center.
The RF 85mm f/2 is obviously faster and as such also more versatile. 1:2 will be plenty enough other than for hard-core macro enthusiasts.
Actually it i's a tough choice... performance is a close call, letting go lenses that have served me so well isn't easy especially the 100mm macro that gave me so many keepers and never disappointed me for years ...