
Full Version: Water condensation on camera/lens
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Every time I take my gear to shoot outside I have water condensation on the lens: outside temperature is usually in the 35-45 area (sometimes even higher) indoors it is between 16 and 25 degrees so I have water condensation on the lenses and have to wait some time before shooting
What do you recommend to avoid this ??
If it's inside, it's ... scary.
If it's only on the outside (say, on the front side of the front element) - well, just put on the caps before going through the doors.
Hi, Toni!

I think you are right to be concerned! 

My solution is to use sealed containers with cans of silica desiccant beads inside.  I also have carefully researched and found humidity gauges for them.  As a bonus the have a silly looking frog on them, and cost under $10.  The are for people who keep reptiles and amphibians, and the work really well.  They have adhesive on the back and you can stick in on the inside of the lid.

If you go this route you will have a satisfying amount of problem solving.  First, what size box, how sturdy, how expensive.  Then you should probably make sure that the beads you get are not carcinogenic.  I thing the ones that are pink dry and turn dark blue as suspect.  Just read the specs.  And lastly, this beads need to be re-dried periodically.  There will be a color change that will tell you, but you will also have a frog gauge if you go that route.

My method was a reaction to a forest environment were it was always wet and several lenses bit the dust before I started doing this.  The bad thing about a wet forest is that your living quarters are usually even more humid than outside because of your respiration!  Your situation isn't nearly as bad because as soon as you get out of the car then camera dries off - hopefully

This subject has been of interest to me.  I hope others will add to it.  

(my beads and humidity gauge were ordered on Amazon).


Me again,

I think maybe I did over think it.  A simple solution might be to wrap your gear in towels and put them in a cloth bag. That might work...

Still struggling with water condensation issue..... now I am laving my camera outside at least one hour before shooting.
The problem is when using the metro or going by car this is not feasible....
I don't think that you can do much about it. Temperature/humidity difference is just what it is.
The camera gear will have to be acclimatized.
I would suggest putting some silica packs into your bag though.
And, well, weather sealing is a good idea after all ... also against the dust.
I am considering keeping the camera outside for some time  before going out and shooting outside with it.
7D2 is doing a great job despite high temperatures sometimes over 45 degrees  outside, I am crazy enough to go out in the sun and shoot on my noon break , I learnt I must take care of shading the camera, being black sometimes it is so hot that it is too hot to touch.
Dust OTOH has never been an issue with 7D2 here, the camera didn't show the least problem till now, dunno how would another camera like EOSRP perform in such condition though.
Hey, Toni!

I had meant for some time to post a few photos of my beads, hygrometers, and boxes, because I hate to see a lens die! But I never followed up because I am still working out what works best. I'll show you a photo of the canisters (without the lids - LOL, yes, they do have tops!), My preferred hygrometers, I just got some new plastic boxes and not tried them yet. Your question actually prompted me to recharge (in the oven) my beads. Before recharging the need was on 70% relative humidity. In the photo you see the needle pointing to 23% in the tub I used to transfer them to the kitchen. Where I live now, the only problem seems to come from storing a lens. If I am using a lens a lot there is no problem, which is to say that the humidity is the result of being indoors. Respiration, cooking, and whatnot makes humidity indoors here much higher than outdoors. The worst possible scenario is a car full of people with A/C and Recirculate Air on. The windows will steam up! Check out my beads!
