
Full Version: Did you ever see a 2 story photographer ?
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[Image: attachment.php?aid=208]

Scrolling  through photos taken by David-a my son using his Olympus TG5, I found this  one quite funny, I was carrying him because 3 years old, he is 95cm tall and couldn't see anything.
I've seen people put smth like a GoPro on a stick into the camera's hotshoe. Does that count? Smile
(06-28-2023, 06:17 AM)toni-a Wrote: [ -> ][Image: attachment.php?aid=208]

Scrolling  through photos taken by David-a my son using his Olympus TG5, I found this  one quite funny, I was carrying him because 3 years old, he is 95cm tall and couldn't see anything.

And the person behind you had to go for a 3-story setup? ;-)