
Full Version: TTArtisan 500mm f/6.3 announced
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... manual focus ...

My personal experience at 300mm and longer, a fast autofocus changes the whole thing. However, if autofocus isn't really fast, it's useless...
PhillipReeve reviewed it and the result is delusional (tons of chromatic aberrations):


But it's decently sharp and has a good bokeh, so for that price I think it's a good option for beginners, surely much better than the usual mirror lens...
He must hire Rover as proof reader, the lens has a maximum aperture f6.3 yet they measured vignetting at f5.6 !!! this would never happen here


Strangely what the reviewer doesn't comment on in those distant views in this review, is sharpness, he just shows 100% crops ..... the images don't look sharp to me and the contrast levels are low ..... the images look like they are from the past ...
  spend a little more money on a used Tamron or Sigma 150-600mm and get a thoroughly useful range of focal lengths with AF and stabilization that produce crisp detailed contrasty images  even at 100% crops on APSc ..... and save on the tripod.

The reviewed lens is next to useless!
(09-23-2023, 04:35 PM)toni-a Wrote: [ -> ]He must hire Rover as proof reader, the lens has a maximum  aperture f6.3 yet they measured vignetting at f5.6 !!! this would never happen here

That gives me idea of getting to proofread the entire site. I actually approached Markus with this once, on Facebook, and got started, but never finished it for some reason.

I keep seeing typos in old reviews I'm sometimes reading for fun, but can do squat about it. :-)
Well, the new portal will start Jan 1st ... ;-)

(but we'll not migrate ancient reviews)
Define "ancient"?
The plan is to move the current portal to photozone.de and the new one to opticallimits.com so nothing is lost.

Ancient is basically the DSLR stuff (except 50mp EF) and the obsolete mirrorless reviews (e.g. the 14mp Sony E and 12mp MFT).
Ow. I probably need to save them just in case.

I like to read some very old reviews, down to the 8MP APS-C Canon, at times, when I'm bored.
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