next OL lens test - Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 X - Printable Version

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next OL lens test - Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 X - Klaus - 05-22-2024

Cheap and good.


RE: next OL lens test - Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 X - Rover - 05-22-2024

"...and now for something completely different..."

Honestly, this shows (as do other Viltrox lenses) that being a domestic Chinese manufacturer cannot be used as an excuse for releasing lousy lenses.

RE: next OL lens test - Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 X - stoppingdown - 05-22-2024

I expected a good review. It's pretty nice, light and good value. It's likely I'll buy one when Viltrox makes the E-mount version.

RE: next OL lens test - Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 X - Westcountry - 05-26-2024

Thanks for the review, Klaus, it has made me consider getting a Viltrox 56/1.7 for my Nikon Z50.

How did you find the autofocus when you were testing the lens, please? I know it was on Fuji X not Nikon Z, but possible third-party AF problems is what makes me think twice before ordering any of these Chinese lenses.

Also, I'm afraid there's a typo in the review - the MTF section heading says the lens was tested at 45 megapixels, whereas Fuji only make 26MP and 40MP cameras!

RE: next OL lens test - Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 X - Klaus - 05-28-2024

Thx for the correction ... my usual copy & paste error for getting the initial base layout ...

As far as AF goes, it's difficult to evaluate this cross-system, really. The X-H2's AF is one of the weaker kinds among modern cameras - it's not a sports camera to start with.
STM motors, as found in the 56mm f/1.7 X, aren't super fast to start with. While I wouldn't use this combo for sports, it's fast enough IMHO.

I don't know the AF capabilities of the Z50. I can only cross guess from the Z7 where I'm currently testing some Viltrox lenses.
Again, the Z7 (mk I) isn't the latest and greatest in terms of AF, for sure. It struggles in low light, for instance.
In bright light, the Viltox STM feels again - fast enough.

If you want me to compare them to the benchmark - like Sony lenses with quad-linear AF motors, it's slow. But that's something you can't expect from a very affordable lens, really.