05-26-2017, 04:59 PM
Quote:If you have something written officially from Nikon JoJu, about transferable warranties, please post a link on this thread, I'm sure it will interest many, there seems to be a general belief right or wrong about Nikon's stance on this point.
The situation seems to be variable as to your location in the world:
I do have a mail from Nikon Switzerland - but as you said, it might be different from country to country. So, if Nikon France cares about the reasons of Nikon Switzerland...? And even if so - my mail is about 2 or 3 years old, and business behaviors might change as Nikon is not exactly bleeding money.
In Nikon rumors there should also be a couple of threads about warranty issues. So, in that aspect it was also wrong from me to call your informations wrong, sorry for this general statement.