Interested getting a pinhole lens, I often do long exposure pictures and a long exposure is a no problem unlimited DOF is something I really want also, so any recommendations?
Klaus will you test any pinhole lens???
If you want to try pinhole, shoot film. This is one of the areas where digital can't touch what film can do. Otherwise yeah, just go for a lens cap with a hole in it.
Tip: Remove the middle of the lens cap and put an aluminium foil in there. That way you can experiment with different sized pinholes by replacing the foil.
Quote:If you want to try pinhole, shoot film. This is one of the areas where digital can't touch what film can do. Otherwise yeah, just go for a lens cap with a hole in it.
Tip: Remove the middle of the lens cap and put an aluminium foil in there. That way you can experiment with different sized pinholes by replacing the foil.
Probably you mean body cap?
Buy several body caps instead and drill holes with different diameters on them. That'll cost you less than 10$ and you won't be giving your money to someone who is trying to get rich by inventing products nobody actually needs.
Also, seriously, go shoot film if you are interested in pinhole. That's where all the experimenting really is. Build your own very basic camera and you can do ridiculously long exposure shots without worrying about long exposure noise reduction etc.