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Forums > Back > Are Those Lens In Working Order?? see there photographs
[quote name='angrypizza' timestamp='1281054864' post='1531']

as written previously i am no expert,so may i ask and might learn something new as well

how can you tell from the photos that the lens is bad?to what detail should i look at ?


Just ask yourself if you think the picture looks good. If the answer is no, you stay away. If the answer is yes, you make sure all the functions work well (make sure the zoom works well, make sure itfocuses at all focal lengths on YOUR camera body at various distances, make sure the aperture blades are snappy and free of grease, make sure there is no fungus growth inside). Personally, I wouldn't purchase anything if I cannot test it out. A seemingly good deal is not worth the headache of possibly getting a bad copy of a lens.

If you want to get into specifics for these pictures, they lack contrast even though according to the exif, the contrast level is set to "hard". Also when the picture is taken against a bright light source, there is flare and further loss of contrast. Could be because of fungus, scratches, lack of a hood, or a number of other things.

Also, you have to keep in mind that this guy is trying to sell you this lens. When you try to sell a lens, you show good photos to inspire the buyer. The guy's white balance is off and composition is terrible. If that's what he shows to sell a product, he either doesn't know how to handle a camera or he just doesn't care about the sale. Either way, do you want to make a purchase from someone like that?

I've seen the 35-70 2.8D deliver some stunning photos, but these sample shots are far from what you would expect from a (retired) pro lens.
Looking at all the shots, I wouldn`t touch it with a barge pole.
[quote name='angrypizza' timestamp='1281032790' post='1517']

Hello,i am going to buy a nikon 35-70mm f/2.8 ,the seller is selling it old and used, i need to know if those are images shot with lens (in the link below)

in good conditions and if they are worth, or there is any artifacts or problems of any kind?

as i am not an expert in photography and my English isn't that good

i hope someone can explain to me if there is anything wrong in a simple way if possible

thanks you very much!

shots can be found here: http://profile.imageshack.us/user/angrypizza?n=y

NOTE:all shots are made by the seller with a nikon D80 and nikkor 35-70 F/2.8



If you have to ask so many and serious questions about a used lens, you should stay well clear of it. A legitemate seller would provide photos which would leave no doubt about the quality of the lens. Why on earth would you take a risk with this lens instead of buying the suggested Tamron 17-50, an impressivly sharp lens with good flare resistance and manufacturer guarantee????? Do you need the all metal build of the nikon? Do you need a full frame lens?

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