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Forums > Back > Sony to release sensor shift AF E-mount camera


It will AF any lens (Canon, Nikon, Pentax, A-mount etc). AF would work like Contax AX, i.e shifting the sensor. 


I'm not sure whether I understand the principle correctly - does this mean that this body could also autofocus manual focus lenses?  :blink: Intriguing thought.. but I remain skeptical for now. 



It will AF any lens (Canon, Nikon, Pentax, A-mount etc). AF would work like Contax AX, i.e shifting the sensor. 



also, this old style AF would probably not work optimally with internal focusing lenses (which shift elements within the lens with respect to each  other to obtain better optical correction at different distances).
If true, this isn't new anyway.


The Contax AX followed this principal:



Other than being fat (deep), it didn't provide the whole focus range.

This will be new for digital cameras. That's like people claiming SLT wasnt new. Yes it was the way it was implemented for liveview AF in a digital camera.
Maybe it is for fine tuning only. The lens is moved near the focusplane and than the focus plane is moved. Maybe it is faster to move the sensor than the lens. This would be nice for manual focus lenses too because the fine tunig costs the most time.
Quote:I'm not sure whether I understand the principle correctly - does this mean that this body could also autofocus manual focus lenses?  :blink: Intriguing thought.. but I remain skeptical for now. 
Yes, Zeiss contax lenses were manual, and in order to jump onto the AF bandwagon, Contax needed to move the film plane back and forward to focus. But the longer the focal length, the bigger the movements need to be, and the film plane could only move a little. So, it was more like you manual focussed close to focus, and the "AF" would move the final little part.


It worked so well that soon after Contax came with Zeiss AF lenses and real AF bodies Tongue .
Here is the camera, called A7000 with IBIS



I'm inclined that state again that Alpha (A-mount) is dead ...

Quote:I'm inclined that state again that Alpha (A-mount) is dead ...

In fact, the total opposite. This revives the A-mount if they can make AF very fast with LAE1 type adapter.  This looks like the death of SLT mirror, not A-mount. 


Sony seems to be on their way into combining the two mount where both A mount and E-mount lenses will work flawlessly on one camera with fast AF. 


If the AF works fas with A-mount lensest, maybe Sony will sell A7000 with adapter included in the box. 


What that would mean is that one camera (with included adapter in the box) will work flawlessly with both A and E mount lenses. 


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