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Forums > Back > Samsung NX30, 16-50 f/2-2.8, 16-50 f/3.5-5.6 pancake!
There was also a fourth item announced, a new flash with guide number 58 and wireless control.


Oh, btw:


Do you still appreciate people providing lenses in the NX segment?

I offered the 45mm "Pencake" some time ago, the messanger still says "not yet read".

Markus is still soaked with work unfortunately.

There are few pics taken with the new 16 - 50 f2.0 - 2.8 on flickr




IMO it looks like any other fast standart zoom. 16mm f2.0 corner looks bad; triangular highlights at corners; center sharp enough but 50mm f2.8 seems softish. 3 stars? Smile



Given these photos I can't really tell anything about the corner performance.
[quote name="marschiert bunt" post="25801" timestamp="1388781481"]
marschiert bunt, on 03 Jan 2014 - 21:37, said:
Do you still appreciate people providing lenses in the NX segment?
I offered the 45mm "Pencake" some time ago, the messanger still says "not yet read".[/quote]Oops, sorry, my bad. I somehow really don't get along with the messenger feature of this board Wink

In general: yes, sure, thanks a lot. However, for now the NX reviews are at the very bottom of the pipeline, I'm afraid. And, as Klaus already hinted, I was involved in some time-intensive other projects, at the moment I'm trying to catch up to normal day-to-day business... spent the last two weeks doing the yearly tax stuff, for example.

Anyway: I hope to have a little more time available for reviews towards spring.

-- Markus


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