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Forums > Back > Sony A7s announced


Full format, 12mp.

  Who could have seen that one coming? everybody's migrating from the 16Mps to the 24Mps.


 The new Sony A7s now fitted with reverse gear!

Those big nice sweet pixels :-)

So for the same money that you can get a 16MP mft you can get a 12MP FF which is 4 times as large and produce decent high EI photos that are just fantasies for Olympus or Panasonic. And even Fuji is planning for FF cameras.


From now on the 35mm format will increasingly eat into the profitable bits of the market.  Also rather than attempt to tune a general purpose  camera, Sony is dipping into its parts bin to produce afamily of cameras.

Same Sony story as usual - myriads of cameras, few lenses.


Anyway, I am wondering about the shutter.

Sony is one of these rare manufacturers that release more bodies than lenses  :lol:

One just has to wonder when they will actually understand a camera is useless if it doesn't have a lens lineup that makes sense.

By opposition, Fuji is one of the few manufacturers who actually understand the need of their customers. Their offering makes a lot of sense; they actually understand what photography is about.


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Quote:Same Sony story as usual - myriads of cameras, few lenses.


Anyway, I am wondering about the shutter.
Maybe it's Sony's answer to the problem, less resolution less visible problems! But seriously, they're covering a lot of fields with this series of A7s, in it's first form it still has problems but once the vibrating shutter problem is addressed and a few further improvements I think Sony's format will stick and that will pave the way for more lenses. 
It has the same shutter as the A7; so EFC throughout the range.

But I don't think the body should be (in some sense) thought of as another body: it's a videocamera in an A7 series jacket.

Yes I'm keen for Sony to honour their timeline for FE lenses, but so far they are. And this camera doesn't bother me any more than if another professional vide cam were announced.

It is a bit of an odd concept, this camera. Very compact, by itself. But made for video mostly, and because it will need external storage and has very limited battery time, it basically always needs a big rig around it, where it probably is not too handy to change batteries. And the small size makes less sense. 


Best suited for low light street photography then?

Is it possible to supply the power with an external battery? So far there is a charger in the camera so it could work.


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