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Forums > Back > Sony A7s announced
They announced a new lens too: 28-135/4 Powerzoom


And by the way, the A7 is surprisingly easy to use with MF lenses


Quote:Same Sony story as usual - myriads of cameras, few lenses.
Quote:So for the same money that you can get a 16MP mft you can get a 12MP FF which is 4 times as large and produce decent high EI photos that are just fantasies for Olympus or Panasonic. And even Fuji is planning for FF cameras.


From now on the 35mm format will increasingly eat into the profitable bits of the market.  Also rather than attempt to tune a general purpose  camera, Sony is dipping into its parts bin to produce afamily of cameras.
Do you know the price?

According to digicame-info.jp, it should be "the price of a few cars roughly". No idea what that means, my best guess ranges from 2-3 times the price of the A7 to somewhat more expensive than the A7.

Call me nuts, but I'd probably get this over both the A7 and, of course, the A7r. Though I'm having second thoughts about this whole series of cameras after handling them in the Sony showroom in Tokyo two days ago - the shutter button / front wheel just seems very awkward for me, and my wife says she hated it.


Oh well, I'm a happy camper with my new Canon 1D Mark IV (which is also not too shabby with high ISOs), and she can use her NEX-3 until it falls to pieces - it's pretty good as it is. Smile

Quote:....and she can use her NEX-3 until it falls to pieces - it's pretty good as it is. Smile

At falling into pieces?  :blink:


Sorry, I just couldn't resist  Rolleyes
It looks pretty beat up after 3,5 years, of course. Though nowhere nearly as bad as the local Associated Press guy's old 1D Mark II - when I saw it I thought it was barely saved from a metal shredder, or something.


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