Quote:Luminous Landscapes offers $1 per month at the moment.
Yes, this is more like it. I hesitate to go for a monthly model though. As you may have noticed there are 2 periods per year (about 1 month) where no reviews are posted - vacation time. Paying for nothing feels wrong to me. Thus a low annual fee feels more appropriate.
Quote:Is google monopolising the internet advertising ? are there no alternatives ?
I am sure there are.
Remember for paid reviews there's always the risk of finding your content mirrored on another website.
One last point, photozone.de is an excellent name, I like it, dunno how much buying photozone.com and redirecting it to photozone.de is benefical unless the price is affordable
No, Google is not a monopoly. There are a gazillion players out there. Most come and go, some stay. However, they are all worse than Google - that is unless you self-manage your ads (which consumes time that I don't have). eBay used to be superb but they reduced their payouts by something like 75% in early 2015. The good thing about Google is that their ads are comparatively sane (no audio, limited animations, no crazy overlays).
We'll not go for photozone.com thus it'll be a new domain. Of course, the site will still be accessible via photozone.de.
The problem with photozone.de is, obviously, the .de portion. Other than being odd for advertisers, it also imposes a region priority in ad engines. We considered to buy photozone.com but the pricing was just gaga - I think it was 10.000$ or so. I refuse to pay that to a leech who is merely piggybacking on photozone.de.