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Forums > Back > Interesting ...
... I was a bit astounded by the rather mediocre center performance of the 50mm f/1.8 (as noted).


For the first time during the Sony A7R II tests I didn't use a full electronic shutter but an electronic first curtain assuming that it can't really make any substantial difference.


As it turned out - it does. It just did a retest using the full electronic shutter again and the results are better (about half a "mark" it seems but I'm still on it)

Still doesn't make it a great lens - wide open at least.

Waiting patiently... 

Quote:Waiting patiently... 

Hey, I had to do a full retest ...
How do you like th a7rii generally?
Quote:How do you like th a7rii generally?

It is a very nice camera indeed. In terms of operational speed it could be a little snappier (incl. AF).
Is the extra size and weight worth it over mft? (talking of lenses really here)

I am pretty sure it is the same as with FF DSLRs versus MFT or any APS-C: The big plus for the A7 series is possible more shallow DOF. At equivalent settings, things are pretty equal.

Both camera types now have some optical gems in their line up.

Maybe the question you need to answer for yourself is, do you prefer a 4:3 or a 3:2 aspect ratio?

Other thoughts: An A7 series camera with the big and heavy top glass is not that much of a weight saver compared to FF DSLRs, really. And if you need high resolution for very big prints, the A7R II can't be touched by MFT.

Quote:... I was a bit astounded by the rather mediocre center performance of the 50mm f/1.8 (as noted).


For the first time during the Sony A7R II tests I didn't use a full electronic shutter but an electronic first curtain assuming that it can't really make any substantial difference.


As it turned out - it does. It just did a retest using the full electronic shutter again and the results are better (about half a "mark" it seems but I'm still on it)

It's odd. Noise & Dynamic range are supposed to be better with Electronic First Curtain than with full Electronic Shutter
Klaus only measures sharpness. Why is there more noise with electronic shutter than with EFC?


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