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Forums > Back > Wedding photography as a surprise present for a couple
It seems the last two times I have shot in weddings have changed my mind, I will be doing two weddings this months and I will be the one doing the whole thing.

But what's special about it is nobody knows yet I will be doing it (except you here and the guy who will assist me)

to make it short, I work in a rural area, the people here poor villagers, and the daughter of a hospital workers is getting married however she can't afford a wedding photographer, the employee asked if I could lend her one of my cameras to take pictures told her,  "Congratulations,  Of course and I will try to drop by to congratulate her"

what she doesn't know is that I am preparing them a big surprise: will be there myself with an assistant with a full equipment and lighting, I will also be offering them some decorations


Hopefully I will manage to bring some  joy to the young couple, imagine a young lady is getting married and suddenly when she arrives to the location she finds a photography set, and a nice unexpected decor.

Hope my status as her mother's boss won't affect her mood,I don't want the bride to be shy or embarrassed.  Anyway my assistant Ghass who is a very talented portraits photographer will be there if ever this happens.

What do you think about the idea ?

BTW, I did last year and it was a very positive experience then I  was inspired by Maroon 5 song clip "sugar" for the idea. At that time the bride was too shy, Ghass was there and saved the day  

Two sides. I get why you like the big surprise idea. But also, usually I think it is a good idea to discuss wedding photography sessions with the couple? It might be a nice idea to make the big surprise that you want to do this for them before the wedding itself. 

Any way you go about it, it is a very nice gesture. 

I was once asked to cover an event. I don't really like doing things for free but she is a neighbor so...

As it turned out one of the guests took exception to me photograping her and asked/told me to delete all photos I took of her.

As Judge Judy would often say "No good deed goes unpunished".

It means don't do people favors if they don't ask.

Anyway, I hope the bride will be happy with your kind gesture.
As I said I did it last year and that was a very positive experience, in fact I think they asked me for camera hinting they need pictures expecting I do the same as last year for a colleague she knows very well.

Hey you can't ask your boss to shoot your daughter's wedding for free...

I am sure the bride is now in suspense"will he come?"

What she doesn't know is I will be doing more than she is hoping for (decorations plus live photo station)

I have the financial and mental means to make someone's big day special I feel it is my duty to do it
Very kind indeed of you, toni-a!


Kindest regards, Wim

Gear: Canon EOS R with 3 primes and 2 zooms, 4 EF-R adapters, Canon EOS 5 (analog), 9 Canon EF primes, a lone Canon EF zoom, 2 extenders, 2 converters, tubes; Olympus OM-D 1 Mk II & Pen F with 12 primes, 6 zooms, and 3 Metabones EF-MFT adapters ....
Live updates from the wedding, things are just great.
I finished up with 1033 total pictures, all in RAW+JPG high res.

Cameras used:

with Ghas 7D plus 18-135 IS, plus 10-18 IS STM plus flash  Canon 600 EX RT(334 pics) 

with me: Canon 5D plus 24-105L plus 100mm macro  plus flash Canon  580 EX  (499 pics) plus 750D plus 17-55f2.8IS/24-105L and mostly the 8mm fisheye plus flash  yongnuo 600 EX (250pics)

I am considering giving the bride the JPGs and ask her to choose the pictures she wants to print then I will work on the RAW files, I feel it is pointless to work on 1000+ RAW files  

Finally I did work on all the RAW files in DPP. It's practical in 2 hours I have done what's needed, more than 60% of the pictures needed adjustments, mostly the white balance, the grey card has saved the day for many pictures.

With ease of work with RAW, the tremedious improvement that can be made on shots, I don't understand why almost all wedding photographers still use JPG

Quote:I don't understand why almost all wedding photographers still use JPG
My photpgraphy business partner shoots a lot of weddings. I am not so interested in wedding photography but sometimes I help him out.

He now shoots with a Fuji and he says that he shoots RAW as a backup for his jpegs. That is, the jpegs are already so good that he hardly needs any post processing.

Wedding photographers spend their time getting the mood and timing right in the shot rather than trying to make improvements in post processing.
And wedding photographers go for the mood, so do not shoot with grey cards to make every light situation look like white day light... 


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