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Forums > Back > Next PZ lens test report: Tamron AF 17-35mm f/2.8-4 Di SP (FX)
Long discontinued, but still available used quite often and usually for low prices... so I was curious to find out how it performs on the D3x:


-- Markus

It's nice to see such lenses getting reviewed. Thanks!

Well, I can remember you implying in the 15-30 discussion that this review was coming, yet still... don't take it the wrong way, Markus, but we love you. Smile

I kinda knew what to expect since the lens had been tested by SLRGear.com in the days of yore (and the original 5D, no less) with broadly similar results. Still it looks kind of decent by f/5.6 (by f/8.0 at 35mm) which is pretty good for such a bargain bin lens.


This review is much appreciated! Hoping for some more old / trashy / left field stuff finding its way into your lab (like the Tokina 300/4 and this one...)

Greatly appreciated Markus, you are the best! Big Grin  

Is it me, or does the Nikon DX section need some cleanup? (as in some reviews from 2013 are still marked Red
(= new / updated). Smile

That DX section definitely needs quite some attention, yes Wink

-- Markus


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