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Forums > Back > Sigma 85mm f/1.4 Art coming ...
Quote:Depending, who you ask. I think that Milvus was more or less the Planar 85/1.4 in a new case - and the Planar had LoCA issues. but then I read a sentence like


Source: http://www.lenstip.com/464.5-Lens_review...ation.html


Lenstip puts the Milvus close to the Otus. But those fast manual focus lenses are nothing for me unless I can focus them in LiveView with no mirror related delay. And with a decent EVF.

No, the Milvus range is more or less the old lenses, expect for the 50mm f1.4 and 85mm f1.4 which are totally new advanced designs.
Oouf!....... the LOCAs!.....maybe it's the balance of lighting but there's fringing agogo.



    ....is that the best they could do?......... it looks like legacy glass!


   IMHO that's one of the worst faults of a portrait lens to see bracelets neck-lesses rings etc. showing up strong fringing not to forget green fringing in hair, only the eyes are immune!


 Kinda reminds me, I'd like to try my Sigma 150mm macro out for portraits, it's an APO design (whether in full I don't know) it certainly renders fairly well.
What I really like at Otus' renderings are contrast and the massive blacks, if there are these kind of deep tones.


The DPReview samples out of the streets of Seattle show a lot of frontlight plus metal or glass, meaning risk of fringing. I wish the Sigma could  handle that better - it for sure is better than my Nikkor, but not good enough. What I found disappointing was, it's already visible in 800×600 pixel resolution. No idea if downsampling from 42 MP plays a role. But for this my purse shows me only two stiff, closed lips.


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