Quote:Isn't this (the DNG size) configurable (by storing in native resolution)?
Don't think so. Native resolution would be 25.5 MP, according to DPReview. Sigma scales that up to 51, their voodoo calculation with being R and G normal layer and B 4 times the resolution, I really don't want to follow this kind of calculation. A normal Sigma Merrill RAW already has 50 MB. "Compression" is something which hasn't found it's way in the Sigma camera design. Okay, within the app. 150 MB DNG file is a 13 MB full res JPG.
But next to this heavy file size battle for me is the problem, the lenses DPReview used to produce the samples are all Art lenses, therefore the camera is merely an appendix to a fat piece of glass - and I'm not even talking about the latest monsters like 20/1.4, 85/1.4 or 135/1.8 (why didn't the y go the full f/1.4? 1 kg are or less, do they care about weight?). Makes me a little sceptical about the tripod thread or at least for the tripod head which has to deal with a lot of headweight.
I just know that the 50 mm Art was not beating it's 50/2.8 colleague on the DP3 Merrill. So, lens wise I feel on the safe side. Tech-wise the DP3 is hopelessly outdated - but at base ISO I don't see this kind of noise I can see in DPReview's samples. That might depend on the RAW converter, yes - just to say, the Quattro series sensors have not convinced a lot of Sigma owners.
But all theory is grey. Unless I haven't touched such a device, I can't judge if it's at the end more practical than I currently can think of.
At leat, that's one of the few mirrorless with lenses put to 600 mm