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Forums > Back > Sigma ART lenses soon in Sony FE mount
That should be great news for Sony users, focus nightmares with some lenses shouldn't be an issue on mirrorless cameras, not only Sony users will have access to a large selection of good lenses, on the ;on run Sony will have to reconsider its high lenses pricing.

Sigma offers possibility of mount change, so jumping ships can be made a little easier for some



Agreed. Looking forward at their next announces. BTW, rumors say that the first should be... YET ANOTHER 35mm (f/1.4)!



Sony a6300, Sony a6000, Sony NEX-6, Sony E 10-18mm F4 OSS, Sony Zeiss Vario-Tessar T* E 16-70mm F4 ZA OSS, Sony FE 70-200mm F4 G OSS, Sigma 150-600mm Æ’/5-6.3 DG OS HSM Contemporary, Samyang 12mm Æ’/2, Sigma 30mm F2.8 DN | A, Meyer Gorlitz Trioplan 100mm Æ’/2.8, Samyang 8mm Æ’/3.5 fish-eye II | Zenit Helios 44-2 58mm Æ’/2 
Plus some legacy Nikkor lenses.
I'm not sure if the lenses for DSLRs are so easy to change for Sony mount, but let's hope for the best. Good news, I think.

I'm not sure if the lenses for DSLRs are so easy to change for Sony mount, but let's hope for the best. Good news, I think.

Quote:Agreed. Looking forward at their next announces. BTW, rumors say that the first should be... YET ANOTHER 35mm (f/1.4)!

And you wanted just another 50/1.4?


I'll believe when I see 'em. Smile

    At the rate at which Sony is progressing...............how far will it be down the line that Sigma announces that due to lack of demand.....


           .........their lenses will only be available "in" the Sony FE mount?

dave, I guess that remark was meant to be sarcastically or funny.


I just don't get it  :unsure:


Were you saying that you prepare yourself for the time that very old photogs will swing their walking sticks to battle for a battered, badly used 2nd hand Sigma for ther DinoSLRs?  Tongue

Quote:dave, I guess that remark was meant to be "sarcastic" or funny.


I just don't get it  :unsure:


Were you saying that you prepare yourself for the time that very old photogs will swing their walking sticks to battle for a battered, badly used 2nd hand Sigma for ther DinoSLRs?  Tongue

  Ironicisms  JoJu   B) .. but I wouldn't read too much into it!......don't feel you have to laugh on my part! Tongue                  ....     It's just that Sony is slowly turning the thumbscrews on the DSLR market.

  The "few Sonyonies" who were then photo-eccentrics, have slowly but surely transformed into a veritable army of "regular guys and respected pros" needing less eccentric reasons for the change.....and Sony gives it to them. 

   What started out as naff batteries and clunky painful AF has now transformed itself into lightning eye detection, follow the subject almost across the whole frame......faster shooting ...and it's accurate.....bla bla bla! 

   While Nikon (at least) has had to counter-market with two mega DSLRs just to keep the boat afloat. I feel was it not for the ML revolution we would have only seen incremental improvements......however Nikon gave us the lot...PDAF LV aside.

   This of course begs the question of where the DSLR can now go?  Whichever way I look at things, it seems difficult to imagine what could be added or improved upon to keep the DSLR in the game. Nikon is finding itself in a cul de sac, blocked in by what is becoming the redundant mirror and prism which is developing into a noose around the neck! .....The dual electronic/optical VF is a proposed idea......but hey!


    Nikon has to get the new ML game together pronto......


                .....or the only boat it will be able to catch will be full of bananas!  Huh


    Did I say pronto?.......I meant three years ago!  :ph34r:

I don't think, many people really care to stick with an outdated technical concept. It's like asking what horse coaches are good for after the invention of cars?


I see some purpose in situations when sensors need to be exchanged by film. I still have a fully mechanical DSLR for post apocalypse  :ph34r:


The mirror was a massive improvement instead of changing the mattescreen and the plates. making cameras small and comfortable. Decades ago...


It's this kind of development which makes them obsolete, like cars with petrol engines will disappear within the next decades. There's no reason to stick with DSLRs - except we say, thanks for all the development but for now we're good with our high price machines  Big Grin No one needs a mirror to take a picture, direct ways are always better. But also no one needs mirrorless sytsem cameras because they do all kind of thinsg better than any DSLR. Stopping our constant consumption of new models might be hard, but worth a try.


Says the guy who now has more lenses than negative film rolls in the drawers... if my photpgraphy improved during the last decade, it was because of the lenses, not the bodies with mirrors in.
Quote:like cars with petrol engines will disappear within the next decades

Perhaps in a hundred years, but not in decades. Same for DSLR, even though the pace can be faster.



Sony a6300, Sony a6000, Sony NEX-6, Sony E 10-18mm F4 OSS, Sony Zeiss Vario-Tessar T* E 16-70mm F4 ZA OSS, Sony FE 70-200mm F4 G OSS, Sigma 150-600mm Æ’/5-6.3 DG OS HSM Contemporary, Samyang 12mm Æ’/2, Sigma 30mm F2.8 DN | A, Meyer Gorlitz Trioplan 100mm Æ’/2.8, Samyang 8mm Æ’/3.5 fish-eye II | Zenit Helios 44-2 58mm Æ’/2 
Plus some legacy Nikkor lenses.
we talk again in a hundred years  B)


Horse coaches also didn't dispappear 100% but don't play much of a role in today's traffic.


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