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Forums > Back > Sigma ART lenses soon in Sony FE mount
Super cool! So, when one beer bottle breaks you still can filter the shards out of it and enjoy a drink? Just don't forget above all the necessary foods like beer & crisps to get some vitamins from a cherry pie  :lol:


That box clearly states "come on, front wind, is that all you got?"


BIF bike? One side bird seed or vulture bait, the other a cute Tammy? Beyond cool, it's almost freakin' frosty freezy!  ^_^

Great, leave the folks alone for a day and they'll bring Tesla and Desertec into the discussion of Sigma lenses. Smile

Quote:Great, leave the folks alone for a day and they'll bring Tesla and Desertec into the discussion of Sigma lenses. Smile
Then they complain if you discuss pictures here claiming it's a lenses forum 😀😀😀😀😀

     I read the relevant parts of the paper........the industry in it's current state has not sufficient statistics to form a real conclusion on current or future types of batteries......interesting though! 


  But it's based as always, on coal burning!




  Is anybody doing the count for coal mining and oil drilling, extraction and the tanker transportation, the refining and then the  redistribution by road to our gas stations?  Of course this should include the building of the platforms and machinery, the building of the huge tankers, not to mention the oil burnt and CO2 produced to move it all.

   Not to mention the lives lost in mining or other disasters!

  Add to that a typical car over it's life cycle of say, 200,000 Kms will need  to burn 14,000 liters of fuel to get it there and all the CO2 produced!

   Then throw in the pollution from oil spillages the risks of collision and groundings etc. and you have a rather ugly picture.



  The resulting CO2 emissions from car production are of course reflected in the overall CF of the electric car......and makes their case considerably less attractive.


   What we have at the moment is a situation where producing an electric vehicle is, "pre-burdened", by a significant CF.......  take out fossil fuel burning.....and there's a massive turn round in the figures........it can then do what it does best........driving down the road cleanly!



   If every time mankind needs to produce a planet friendly invention eg. the electric car (or whatever).........and we have to shovel ten tons tons of coal on the fire to do it............seriously, what chance have we got?






   CF...carbon footprint.              















If you mention "mining disasters", "oil pollution" as risks, and are talking at the same time about the massive amount of nuclear energy used in France, I'm afraid you're forgetting Chernobyl, Fukushima, Three-Mile Island, Sellafield and Fessenheim as well as the endless small "incidents" happening and don't make it to the headlines. It was once said, that one nuclear major incident would happen maybe each 100.000 years. It already made it in the book "lies the industry told us", plus the book "and we wanted to believe them".


Do you know there's already a need for pre-nuclear steel to make chirurgical instruments? So much, that it pays to retrieve shipwrecks from WW I and II. Funny, they're using the steely graves of thousands of sailors to heal patients. I had no clue that we already have too much pollution to produce these things without shipwrecks.


Not to mention the need of "rare earths" for billions of single cars. But these mountains are in China and don't bother us much...  Rolleyes as long as we get enough from them already put in boxes.


No matter how you look at it, transport not only costs money but due to more profits, we're exhausting the Earth in various ways.

Quote:If you mention "mining disasters", "oil pollution" as risks, and are talking at the same time about the massive amount of nuclear energy used in France, I'm afraid you're forgetting Chernobyl, Fukushima, Three-Mile Island, Sellafield and Fessenheim as well as the endless small "incidents" happening and don't make it to the headlines. It was once said, that one nuclear major incident would happen maybe each 100.000 years. It already made it in the book "lies the industry told us", plus the book "and we wanted to believe them".


Do you know there's already a need for pre-nuclear steel to make chirurgical instruments? So much, that it pays to retrieve shipwrecks from WW I and II. Funny, they're using the steely graves of thousands of sailors to heal patients. I had no clue that we already have too much pollution to produce these things without shipwrecks.


Not to mention the need of "rare earths" for billions of single cars. But these mountains are in China and don't bother us much...  Rolleyes as long as we get enough from them already put in boxes.


No matter how you look at it, transport not only costs money but due to more profits, we're exhausting the Earth in various ways.
I did say "not to mention mining disasters"!   Tongue  


   I'm not advocating nuclear power but, it clearly has an advantage over coal in terms of CF!    



    In the end the public roads will be clogged to death and public transport will become obligatory,.......just electric bikes will remain!  Big Grin     


<p style="font-size:14px;">    No, I have never heard of using pre-nuclear steel......I will google it!

<p style="font-size:14px;"> 

<p style="font-size:14px;">     Done that, OK, it's used for measuring instruments...Geiger counters, whole body counting etc. Interesting!

I read a report about disappearing shipwrecks. First it was strange why HNLMS De Ruyter, Java and Kortenaer disappeared completely or almost from the seabed. It's not only the steel, but also copper, brass and bronce.


The term in question was "low background steel". But you already found it.

Disappearing shipwrecks? This is getting weirder by the hour.  :lol:

Everything is connected. Even Sigma lenses to this forum and this thread (third attempt...)  Tongue


One can also say, it's so obvious, that Sigma goes also Sony, helping them to increase their lens offerings, that we can stay at the conversation of less important things like electric cars. 


Why don't you join us, Rover, and throw in some weird bits, too?  ^_^


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