Is the upcoming 200mm f/2 not serious enough? ;-)
No, it's on the roadmap for ages and 200 mm gets you nowhere in APS-C. 300/2.8 or 400/4, then we're talking.
And as I know Fuji, they will refuse to learn: The lens will have a tiny foot, it will not have a focus limiter you can set up for your own needs, the manual focus again will be wired, and so on. Aperture ring controlled by front dial? I doubt it until I see better.
They will ask serious money for it, yes, but you need a converter to get some reach. With a very heavy lens...
I think a lot of people find the X-H1 body too big.
I'd love to see IBIS in a XT2 or XE3 for instance and I think I'm not the only one.
They heard you ... a bit ... Joju ....
Citing dpreview:
"There is, however, a menu option to use the command dials to set aperture when the lens aperture ring is set to 'A'. Similarly, turning the shutter speed dial to 'T' passes control to a command dial, so you can make use of them if you wish."
I'm wondering about the exposure comp aspect.
dpreview says that you have to press a button - which sounds super odd to me.
PERSONALLY I would prefer to have the front dial for A or T and the back dial for ec.
But then I was socialized during the early EOS era. ;-)