So you2 know more about the price than we do? care to share?
I think a RAW converter on board is sort of modern. If it would have a selfie LCD...  who knows, might be tempting to more people. Like three or four...
He doesn't know.....he just meant at it's/his presupposed pricepoint..........
So, how about a game where we guess the euros?
I going for 5,299 euros!
JoJu...BC...Klaus..you2....toni...and all...
...Let's hear it?
I expect price to be around 4500 EUR
(09-27-2018, 11:15 PM)Klaus Wrote: In the age of mirrorless system cameras - what technical advantage has a high-end camera with a fixed lens?
Not being locked in a system? Size? I really love my RX1 II but the ZX1 is a camera I never would buy, it's just too big. Maybe I would buy a camera for an open mount.
Weird way to look at things....
Only one lens option: not locked into a system. More lens options: LOCKED.
Well, as the lens and camera are a closed unit without any options, they behave as if there is no system (of interchangeable lenses). No system, no lock. If you have more than one lens and them interchangeable, there's a system, and if the mount is exotic enough, you're locked into it.
(09-28-2018, 01:18 PM)JJ_SO Wrote: Well, as the lens and camera are a closed unit without any options, they behave as if there is no system (of interchangeable lenses). No system, no lock. If you have more than one lens and them interchangeable, there's a system, and if the mount is exotic enough, you're locked into it. Funny this, to be very honest.
I used to shoot a Canon G10 as my carry around camera. However, I really wanted more from a camera that size, so eventually got a Pen-F, MFT, and now can use the 22 exchangeable lenses I have for the MFT-mount, plus my Canon lenses if I feel the need with one of three speedboosters and adapters, while still having a portable click&shoot camera when i need it at approximately the same size as the Canon, with way, way, way better IQ, and many more possibilities.
Being locked in is very relative. Personally, I would feel locked in with a camera like the ZX-1. For all intents and purposes it is a camera system that locks one in in a very extreme way, if you'd ask me. For each different option you'd like to use you need another one of those locked-in systems. And then to pay an amount for it which is probably going to be around the 4000 euros or thereabouts, even I would rather carry a FF DSLR ....
In short, IMO locked-in is relative, but the worst case would be a single type of use camera, with no interchangeable stuff at all.
Kind regards, Wim
Gear: Canon EOS R with 3 primes and 2 zooms, 4 EF-R adapters, Canon EOS 5 (analog), 9 Canon EF primes, a lone Canon EF zoom, 2 extenders, 2 converters, tubes; Olympus OM-D 1 Mk II & Pen F with 12 primes, 6 zooms, and 3 Metabones EF-MFT adapters ....
Wim, you see it only from the side "I need more than one lens".
The restriction of the ZX-1 cannot be a lock-in: One can, if needed, get whatever camera you like to add a bigger bandwidth. But see it from the side of a limited system (like the passed away Nikon 1) then you're really locked into this system. The Pentax MF with restricted FL-range, or earlier some 110 format filmcameras with two or three lenses at max. There were other systems with even less lenses, but a single body with fixed lens is limiting your freedom to change lenses - but not your freedom to go totally lightweight and simple. I never felt locked in when I decided to only take my G11 with me, or these days the P7800 as a "always with me" type of camera. I know I can't do certain shots with it, but I also enjoy the simplicity.
(09-28-2018, 12:53 PM)Brightcolours Wrote: Weird way to look at things....
Only one lens option: not locked into a system. More lens options: LOCKED.
You can always buy an other camera. Ok, you can have more than one system but I see it from the size and economic point of view. Since the RX1 I don't want to buy an other camera. I think about something like RX100 but I really don't need it. I had an GR before, it was great but i prefer 35mm.
As Dave said,this camera is like a Lamborghini, it's not the car you drive daily, it's just another luxury car you own among many others.
Clearly most clients for this camera already have at least 2-3 camera bodies with sets of lenses, I don't see it as anyone's only camera.