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Selling old gear, is it worth it ?
Having some old gear fully functional I don't use, like 300D and 30D, their price on the used market is pretty insignificant, besides there's the wasted time and effort selling them, meeting buyers etc.

Do you think it's worth the effort?

I am planning using them as ornaments in my house, in my shoes what would you do?
If they are of little use to you then why not sell them?  Often with old gear when you try them a few years later, either the battery is dead or the camera.


 I've sold all but one of my PK mount lenses and the bodies it's certainly helped pay for my recently acquired Nikon gear.

And if not selling - even the moment to empty the dusty place the "no longer in use" camera occupied is so satisfying that I don't hesitate to follow occasionally some shocking samples.


A photographer at the end of his life offered his Hasselblad including lenses to the last trainee he had accepted

Another guy gave all his Nikon stuff to his daugther who tries to make a living as photographer, so he had an excuse to start again with Sony but less gear.

I gave a D5100 with a macro lens to a friend who likes to take pictures, is not always satisfied with her iPhone and has really the gift to see pictures. A camera which has no material value to me anymore can still make somebody else happy and start the adventure.

Plus one to JoJu's comment.


I recently cleaned up (December and first week of January), got rid of 3 Pentax slr bodies, 2 digital bodies/cameras with standard zooms, two more analog cameras, and 19 or 20 lenses from the analog age I never use anymore and haven't for many years, plus a lot of ancillary gear.


Some I gave away, some I exchanged for digital gear, some I brought a friend who is a retailer, with specific instructions on how to sell what (even stuff I would like to give out for free, I put a very small price on, so that it goes to someone who really wants to use it to get into photography, but who doesn't have the money to buy new or extensive kit, like high-schoolers).


Similarly, I gave away a few cameras earlier last year, to a few people who I know personally, and found they wanted more than just phonecamera pics - and who are enjoying it tremendously. Some already upgraded as a result Smile.


From that POV, I reckon the 30D is still worthwhile presenting to someone  deserving, to get a decent start in (digital) photography. The 3000D may be a little too old by now, but that could maybe be sold off as antique Smile. Or given away for that matter.


From a sentimental POV, we humans like to keep old stuff around, but in the end it is just going to collect dust, so you might as well just get rid of it, one way or another Smile.


Personally, I got rid of everything I haven't used in years now, except 3 small, high quality enlarging lenses, which I still plan on using for macrophotography this year. If I don;t, I will get rid of those as well - I won't install another darkroom anymore for 135 film anyway.


Just some of my thoughts Smile.


Kind regards, Wim

Gear: Canon EOS R with 3 primes and 2 zooms, 4 EF-R adapters, Canon EOS 5 (analog), 9 Canon EF primes, a lone Canon EF zoom, 2 extenders, 2 converters, tubes; Olympus OM-D 1 Mk II & Pen F with 12 primes, 6 zooms, and 3 Metabones EF-MFT adapters ....
Gift them to a student or something. Getting rid of something useless in your life feels good. Also those plastic toys wouldn't make ornaments anyway Wink.

Yes, give it to someone and you'll feel great!!! Smile

To be fair the 30D is prosumer grade camera, slighty better than the 20D.  I just gave my old 20D to a young man, whose older sister is a very decent photographer.  When I discussed settings, crop factor, FOV, and other basic considerations, I was impressed with his comprehension, for someone without a DSLR of his own.  He has a new dog, has become a traveling musician, and I dare say will have the opportunity to see and photograph things that I never will!  I even threw in three lenses, including an extra 50mm/1.8 mark ii, the Plastic Fantastic!  I told him you can profession results with that lens, and I believe it's true.  I warned him don't be fooled by its Cracker Jacks toy prize appearance.  In return I got a big drum, the type that are very popular with the young crowd.  Sort of goblet shaped and very nice looking.  I gave him a 28mm/2.8 manual focus prime and an old telephoto zoom. 


I felt good about the deal.  This guy has the brains and personality to get some very good photos.  And I got a cool looking drum.


It's lenses that are hardest for me to part with, but I felt better presenting a complete kit, and less need to hold on to redundant lenses.

One word of warning!  I can never dip below 2 Canon bodies because (I know I could be committed to an asylum for saying this), but, I am compelled to have a camera to take a picture of my favorite camera with a favorite lens on it!).


What some people call "Camera Porn". 

If someone wants / needs that old gear, why not sell / give it away?

since for this gear selling or giving is merely the same thing, I will do just that, it will be a good way of encouraging young talents

thanks everyone


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