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Forums > Back > Canon APS-C lens offering makes you get confused...
Quote:I begin to understand that some people carry 25kg of photo-stuff around,

Well for my last trip to a beach resort where I had planned a photo-shoot for a couple I wasn't far from that weight if you include tripods
I like the 18-55 STM simply because it is light.  It is also really quiet and can perform well, and has a close MFD.  I was gifted a EFS 17-85mm IS USM that was destined to take its place.  It was even made in Japan, unlike any of my kit lenses.  The sad news is AF went out on it.  I'd like to get it working again, but it's not under warranty.  It seems a little redundant as well.  But it was a step up from the 18-55mm IMO.  On paper the 17-85 doesn't look like much, but seemed to get good results.
I used the 17-85 for quiet a while and actually quiet liked it. Lots of distortion but a convenient focal length range.


With regards to the failed AF on your lens, I had a similar problem except it was with the aperture mechanism. Turns out a flexi-rigid cable had split due to fatigue. I managed to repair it myself, but its not a job for the faint hearted.

Quote:I used the 17-85 for quiet a while and actually quiet liked it. Lots of distortion but a convenient focal length range.


With regards to the failed AF on your lens, I had a similar problem except it was with the aperture mechanism. Turns out a flexi-rigid cable had split due to fatigue. I managed to repair it myself, but its not a job for the faint hearted.

Understood!  I dutifully watched the You Tube videos on replacing the cable.  My god!  could they have possibly made it any more difficult?  After watching that, and a couple videos on fixing your 50/1.8, I realized something.  I am never again going to attempt a repair on a Canon lens.  I did get lucky once and repaired an EF 35-135 zoom.  But that was a combination of luck, and accepting the fact that extracting a screw that had come loose somewhere inside the camera and not replacing it was an acceptable fix.


The lens does work.  What do you want?
Quote:I used the 17-85 for quiet a while and actually quiet liked it.


For me other than the useful range, the long end seem to render beautifully.  Especially flower close ups.  Just beautiful colors.  I didn't realize how good the colors were until it was dead.  Isn't that always the way!

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