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Forums > Back > Nikon 1 vs D600, D800
When I was looking at the 1 system, I also thought "nice, an adapter for Nikon lenses is available" but after Studor13's comment I found it one plus less.

Quote:I concluded the pictures were in the order like the descriptive text. But the second portrait row was not.


I still don't get this.


When I click on the link for the left image, I get the full size for the left image. Similarly, the link for the right side gives me the right side image.


I'm certain I didn't say anywhere that the left side is J5 and right side is D800.


Am I going crazy or not understanding what you are saying?


Anyways, the FT-1 is a waste of money. I have it but seriously need to dump it.



Not sure about your requirements but the 70-300 CX gives effective reach of 810mm. At this focal length you can actually see the full moon moving. It scared the hell out of me. All of a sudden I didn't know what shutter speed was needed to get a sharp image.


Please keep the following image in mind when making comparisons.
OK, I see the confusion now.

When I say "I concluded", I don't say "but you told us the order and now it's different! scandalous!"  :lol: I was mislead by my conclusion that you probably kept the same order for all pictures. I was wrong


Oh, and for the comparison: If we want to go on this track, put a smartphone on the other side ot the scale. Weight is not everything. Actually, I don't care much about comparisons although I do them sometimes.

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