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Filter system what brand would you advise?
   I'm done on the subject!

Funny guys how you make a story out of nothing, it was fun reading this discussion though

What a palava they made of this thread, Dave!
And here we go


دخلَ أبو  Ø¹Ù„قمة النحْوي على الطَّبيب فقال:
إني أكلتُ من لحوم هذه الجوزال، فطسئت طسأة،
فأصابني وجع بين الوابلة إلى دأية العنق،
فلم يزل ينمو ويربو حتى خالطَ الخلّب، فألمت
لهُ الشراسف. فهل عندَك دواء؟
فقالَ له الطَّبيب:
خذ خربقًا وشلفقًا وشبرَقًا فزهزقهُ وزقزقهُ
واغسلهُ بماء روث واشربهُ بماء الماء.
فقالَ أبو علقمة: أعد عليَّ ويحك، فإني لم أفهمكَ.
فقالَ الطَّبيب: منْ أقلنا إفهامًا لصاحبهِ؟
وهل فهمتُ منك شيئًا مما قلت؟؟


google translate will make things worst believe me  
Quote:Sorry but couldn't but tell this joke:

A french speaking man asks an english speaking  lady if she would  go on a date with him

the lady said "Never"

the guys replied " c'est bon, neuf heure, neuf heure et demi ?"

Dave I rely on you for translation
I can see I'm taking a great risk here on this "word sensitive site"!


But neuf heure is pronounced  "nerve heure"   sounds like never....right!


 As jokes go , it's never going to bring the house down however!
Quote:What a palava they made of this thread, Dave!

  Yeah, "fancy" writing an English word/expression that some had not heard of!


 I mean common Dave,    behave! 
Quote: I write what I write and you've learned a new word, what's wrong with that?

Firstly, you wrote “what.a palava”.


There was this “.” in there.


To you it's "What a palava”.


To me I see “What dot a palava”.


It isn't whether it's palaver or palava, I'm thinking what the hell is it with this dot.


In any case, you write as if we all here should entertain you with all these whimsical dots ......... and other crap that only you understand and find amusing.


Like I said, you are oblivious to what would be generally regarded as decorum.


You didn't get it before and I am certain you still haven't got it now.


There is a Hindu saying:


“You make your habits before 30. After 30 your habits make you”.


I'm afraid it's too late for you.
Guys come on it's a friendly place here, let's not make a story out of it.

Dave you understand I was telling a joke and meant no offense at all. Apologies if any misunderstanding ever happened.
Quote:Guys come on it's a friendly place here, let's not make a story out of it.

Dave you understand I was telling a joke and meant no offense at all. Apologies if any misunderstanding ever happened.
Hey, of course I understand Tonia, absolutely no misunderstandings at all!   Keep those threads coming, you brighten up the place!

So let's go back to our sheep (revenons à nos moutons 😉)

Wasn't the thread about filters ?

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