09-30-2011, 06:53 AM
[quote name='jenbenn' timestamp='1317297911' post='11974']
could be, but as they use 50mm or 85mm lenses, stopped down to f/5.6 or f/8 at dpreview, it is highly unliekly that you will get better performance from any other lens. What does it help if the sensor can resolve more but no lens availabe can help him doing that?
Look at photozone review of 7D. It's resolution score is lower than some of the 14 MP cameras.
could be, but as they use 50mm or 85mm lenses, stopped down to f/5.6 or f/8 at dpreview, it is highly unliekly that you will get better performance from any other lens. What does it help if the sensor can resolve more but no lens availabe can help him doing that?
Look at photozone review of 7D. It's resolution score is lower than some of the 14 MP cameras.