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Forums > Back > Suggestion: could you test the fixed lenses of the large sensor compacts?
I greatly appreciate your website which I consider one of the greatest resources to use when purchasing photo equipment.

I was wondering if you are able and willing to test the lenses of what I call the Large Sensor Compacts: cameras with larger than Nikon One sensors and fixed lenses? With the releases of the Fuji X100 and the Canon G1X, they will probably expend their share of the market dramatically. It's hard to find measures of their lenses, beyond test pictures, and it would greatly help when making decisions between them and the CSCs.

For reference, there are also the Sigma DP1 and DP2, and the Leica X1.

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Suggestion: could you test the fixed lenses of the large sensor compacts? - by WyldRage - 01-31-2012, 11:56 PM

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