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Forums > Back > Suggestion: could you test the fixed lenses of the large sensor compacts?
The problem is that you cannot establish a pipeline that is valid for any past, current or even future camera. The camera sensor itself is part of the pipeline and has influence on the results (especially the Anti-Alias-filter) and the same applies to the RAW converter used to process the results. Different cameras require different RAW converters (or even different versions of the same RAW converter) which leads to slightly different results.

So, just as Klaus said, such tests wouldn't make much sense, since our results are comparable only within the same test system (which wouldn't exist for a fixed lens camera). And there's another issue: we're quite busy covering the existing systems already.

-- Markus


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Suggestion: could you test the fixed lenses of the large sensor compacts? - by mst - 02-01-2012, 02:20 PM

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