03-14-2012, 08:39 AM
[quote name='waardij' timestamp='1331713509' post='16695']
Lloyd Chambers suggest that a thick cover glass is the problem with the NEX-7. This would concurr with what Zeis is saying about the use of certain lenses on digital (cover glass/filter interefres with edge performance of certain lenses).
Interesting observations from mr. Chambers, which confirm Klaus' findings and the suspicion that the thickness of the glass/AA-filter is the culprit.
Lloyd Chambers suggest that a thick cover glass is the problem with the NEX-7. This would concurr with what Zeis is saying about the use of certain lenses on digital (cover glass/filter interefres with edge performance of certain lenses).
Interesting observations from mr. Chambers, which confirm Klaus' findings and the suspicion that the thickness of the glass/AA-filter is the culprit.