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Forums > Back > Porst Tele E 135/1.8 - excellent portrait lens
[quote name='Klaus' timestamp='1340554858' post='19057']

While I agree that your model is certainly excellent I wouldn't really say so regarding the bokeh of this lens.

The out-of-focus highlighty - especially at the borders - are quite disturbing in my opinion.

Older lenses tend to have a nice bokeh simply because they do not rely on special glass (namely aspherical elements) that can harm the bokeh rendition. Of course that doesn't help regarding sharpness.




[quote name='Brightcolours' timestamp='1340556061' post='19059']

The 120mm lens you showed indeed had great bokeh. But this lens? The bokeh is quite horrible, to be frank.

Nice photos (besides the awful rendering by the lens) though. I do like your style.


I can't believe. Here is terrible bokeh? I do not agree! Well, this is the specific picture with the front, middle and rear plan. What is terrible?

[Image: f9500fb295a452af75e72d887cc4281b.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Porst Tele E 135/1.8 - excellent portrait lens - by soborodin - 06-24-2012, 04:01 PM
Porst Tele E 135/1.8 - excellent portrait lens - by soborodin - 06-24-2012, 04:03 PM
Porst Tele E 135/1.8 - excellent portrait lens - by soborodin - 06-24-2012, 05:30 PM
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Porst Tele E 135/1.8 - excellent portrait lens - by Studor13 - 11-10-2015, 08:29 AM

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