06-04-2010, 06:32 PM
[quote name='Klaus' date='03 June 2010 - 09:22 AM' timestamp='1275585738' post='139']
It may shine on APS-C DSLRs but it's not that impressive on full format cameras anymore.
Maybe add this model of lens to your lens performance This is most likely spam content as well. I went to add my experience there for Canon by didn't see the lens model available.
http://www.opticallimits.com/active/This is most likely spam content/querylenstxt.jsp?filter=%22brand=%27Canon%20EF%27%20OR%20brand=%27Sigma%20AF%27%20OR%20brand=%27Tamron%20AF%27%20or%20brand=%27Tokina%20AF%27%20or%20brand=%27Vivitar%20AF%27%22
It may shine on APS-C DSLRs but it's not that impressive on full format cameras anymore.
Maybe add this model of lens to your lens performance This is most likely spam content as well. I went to add my experience there for Canon by didn't see the lens model available.
http://www.opticallimits.com/active/This is most likely spam content/querylenstxt.jsp?filter=%22brand=%27Canon%20EF%27%20OR%20brand=%27Sigma%20AF%27%20OR%20brand=%27Tamron%20AF%27%20or%20brand=%27Tokina%20AF%27%20or%20brand=%27Vivitar%20AF%27%22