The sensor image wasn't available earlier. Looking at it, the sensor looks 3:2 to me, but it is very hard to tell from the low quality image. The physical opening looks about 4:3, but there appears to be a band of dead space around the sensor, not just attributable to reflections or shadows. That part in the middle looks closer to 3:2, although it is a bit borderline as a few image pixels either way could swing it towards one or the other.
The G1 X sensor doesn't have phase detect does it? If they recycled the 650D sensor that can be dropped straight in. And those Canon system users wanting a supplementary system would be able to adapt and use EF lenses without having to worry about sensor size effects. Admittedly this would probably be a minor consideration for "compact upgrader" market.
As for the EF-M, note that is claimed to be the mount designation, not the camera model name. There is suggestion it could be EOS M.
The G1 X sensor doesn't have phase detect does it? If they recycled the 650D sensor that can be dropped straight in. And those Canon system users wanting a supplementary system would be able to adapt and use EF lenses without having to worry about sensor size effects. Admittedly this would probably be a minor consideration for "compact upgrader" market.
As for the EF-M, note that is claimed to be the mount designation, not the camera model name. There is suggestion it could be EOS M.
<a class="bbc_url" href="">dA</a> Canon 7D2, 7D, 5D2, 600D, 450D, 300D IR modified, 1D, EF-S 10-18, 15-85, EF 35/2, 85/1.8, 135/2, 70-300L, 100-400L, MP-E65, Zeiss 2/50, Sigma 150 macro, 120-300/2.8, Samyang 8mm fisheye, Olympus E-P1, Panasonic 20/1.7, Sony HX9V, Fuji X100.