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Forums > Back > Why not the old EF 28-70mm f/2.8 USM L as standard zoom for FF?
The newer is a bit sharper, but the old is still good as it always was. Also it has a metal filter mount, which is more solid. Another thing the way it works with the front element sticking out when it's in the wide end, and going back into the lens hood for tele, is genius for getting the most out of the lens hood at every focal length. The new doesn't do this, it has the lens hood mounted on the front of the lens, so it moves in and out with the front element, so it doesn't give as good shading as the old one (but the new might be less prone to problems with stray light hitting it).

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Why not the old EF 28-70mm f/2.8 USM L as standard zoom for FF? - by netrex - 10-06-2012, 09:20 PM

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