02-06-2013, 08:39 PM
Sorry for misspelling artificial. What I meant about the Jpeg straight from my current Canon EOS 5D, they are not what I am looking for. In my eyes these images are artificial. I don't know how it is with the D800, because I don't know anybody who has one. And so I cannot compare my EOS 5D Jpeg's with the ones of the D800.
I was just wondering if a higher DR would benefit me, because in a lot of photographs with my good old EOS 5D the shadows are quite dark. Of course I can PP that in LR4(which i own), but like I said I have a back problem and cannot sit very long. So, the least I have to PP, the easier it will be for me. Nothing to that I don't like PP like Brightcolors suggested. Just trying to find a way to reduce "pp-time".
I was just wondering if a higher DR would benefit me, because in a lot of photographs with my good old EOS 5D the shadows are quite dark. Of course I can PP that in LR4(which i own), but like I said I have a back problem and cannot sit very long. So, the least I have to PP, the easier it will be for me. Nothing to that I don't like PP like Brightcolors suggested. Just trying to find a way to reduce "pp-time".