04-01-2013, 12:25 PM
Some folks talk about micro-contrast and colour transition. They state that certain lenses do a better job of showing subtle changes in colours while other lenses tend to render similar images as a block of uniformity. If their argument is accurate then there is limited amount of improvement to be made here with simple PP as you cannot easily add in the lost information though some it can be restored via the interpolation of nearby pixels.
While i believe that (for example) zeiss lenses do a better job than older sigma lenses (can't judge new sigma lenses) it is a difficult thing because you mostly see the images based off of the equipment you use and there is very little side by side comparison (and many side by side comparison are flawed due to change in lighting or TR value of the lenses not being considered).
While i believe that (for example) zeiss lenses do a better job than older sigma lenses (can't judge new sigma lenses) it is a difficult thing because you mostly see the images based off of the equipment you use and there is very little side by side comparison (and many side by side comparison are flawed due to change in lighting or TR value of the lenses not being considered).