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Forums > Back > Recent Nikon 'D' lens tests on DX
I see you are mostly recent adherents to digital photography (or have conveniently short memories) as it is only in recent years that mass-market DSLRs have been manufactured with the quoted pixels counts.  My first compact digital camera cost £660 and was 2 megapixel (Canon S10).  I still have it.


Quote "In a nutshell: current FX models clearly outresolve film. DX cameras have done so for a while."


I agree with you this is now becoming possible.


Quote "Before digital, you would just look at your small prints of vacation snapshots you got back from the 1-hour service."


I think you must be a holiday snap-shooter as personally I have not used a commercial service as I neither used colour print film and bulk-loaded, self process and printed and developed my own black and white and transparency films but this was 35 years ago.

Certainly my Nikon and Leica shots (at that time) exhibited far superior detail and resolution.  That being said I am seeing great results on a new Nikon D600 that come near to matching this (on prime lenses).


Quote "Zoom lenses of poor quality are something from the 1980's and 1990's, before the digital SLR age."


You are correct in that I was indeed referring to (older) zoom lenses and the cheaper recent ones (DX).


Quote "Huh? With film, we did not get very high resolutions on 135 format. One of the reasons why MF was so popular when resolution mattered."


You are not correct. 35mm resolution was good.  Above 16 x 20 (inch) print sizes MF was preferred (I had a Mamiya myself).  I would have gone onto 4 x 5 but finances limited this.  Certainly I would have achieved (with technique) greater resolution but the main reason I desired this was a personal extension of the love of gadgetry and the art of photography. 


Quote "What are you talking about? Samyang does not offer ANY zoom, let alone any quality zoom"


Apart from you being slightly rude I think you need to read the whole thread which starts with a market opportunity for primes which Samyang have started to fulfil.  I know they don't make zooms!  I have legs.  This is the problem.  Most digital photographers would benefit from leaving their beloved 14-24mm behind and moving.  The most satisfying photographic period I ever has was returning to a Leica M3 and a 50mm Summicron. 


However that was photography and it certainly is easier to allow the Canon corporation to do everything for you?  Blimey I was never certain I had a decent image until I had processed the film and hung it to dry.  Even then until projected or printed successfully was there certainty.  No labs involved.  Pan F, Fp4, Tri-X, Ektachrome and E6, Cibachrome ... Yahoo!


I recommend u switch AF off and use a prime .... you will see an improvement.  Sports fans ignore this.  lol

Messages In This Thread
Recent Nikon 'D' lens tests on DX - by HenriCartierShufflebottom - 05-15-2013, 02:22 PM
Recent Nikon 'D' lens tests on DX - by felix - 05-15-2013, 05:13 PM
Recent Nikon 'D' lens tests on DX - by HenriCartierShufflebottom - 05-20-2013, 10:18 AM
Recent Nikon 'D' lens tests on DX - by felix - 05-20-2013, 02:35 PM
Recent Nikon 'D' lens tests on DX - by HenriCartierShufflebottom - 05-20-2013, 07:17 PM
Recent Nikon 'D' lens tests on DX - by felix - 05-21-2013, 09:49 AM

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