08-30-2010, 03:52 PM
[quote name='Kunzite' timestamp='1283181381' post='2339']
Few ideas:
- it's a rumor, nothing official. And I don't expect an EVIL Pentax - not soon, anyway.
- "THK apparently saved Pentax from bankruptcy" - Scott, what are you talking about? An US dealer, saving an entire company from bankruptcy? (if you're talking about [url="http://www.thkphoto.com/"]the THK I know[/url]) And you're talking as if Pentax were in danger of going bankrupt...
Hoya selling the medium format business - nope, it doesn't make any sense. Before the 645D there wasn't much to be sold (and to whom? the financially starved DMF makers?), after - why selling a successful part of your business? Besides, the 645D is closely related to the APS-C cameras (it shares components with the K-7).
Pentax dying - it doesn't make sense, either. They're profitable. They're glowing. They're preparing new, interesting products.
THK is not a "dealer", rather the import organization for T(okina), H(oya) and K(enko), all the brands from the THK/Hoya consortium/company.
It was Hoya (Tokina) who started to develop lenses together with Pentax (12-24mm, 16-50mm, 10-17mm among others), before Hoya bought Pentax too.
Now it should be THKP.
Few ideas:
- it's a rumor, nothing official. And I don't expect an EVIL Pentax - not soon, anyway.
- "THK apparently saved Pentax from bankruptcy" - Scott, what are you talking about? An US dealer, saving an entire company from bankruptcy? (if you're talking about [url="http://www.thkphoto.com/"]the THK I know[/url]) And you're talking as if Pentax were in danger of going bankrupt...
Hoya selling the medium format business - nope, it doesn't make any sense. Before the 645D there wasn't much to be sold (and to whom? the financially starved DMF makers?), after - why selling a successful part of your business? Besides, the 645D is closely related to the APS-C cameras (it shares components with the K-7).
Pentax dying - it doesn't make sense, either. They're profitable. They're glowing. They're preparing new, interesting products.
THK is not a "dealer", rather the import organization for T(okina), H(oya) and K(enko), all the brands from the THK/Hoya consortium/company.
It was Hoya (Tokina) who started to develop lenses together with Pentax (12-24mm, 16-50mm, 10-17mm among others), before Hoya bought Pentax too.
Now it should be THKP.