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Forums > Back > Prime Time
Quote:On Sunday in the UK, it is an open farm day where many farms throughout the country are open for visitors to see what goes on. The web site even says to bring a camera, with a photo competition too. How could I say no?

But this is going to be very different to the usual wildlife I do... I'm debating what kit to bring. While I have been to zoos and such before, I have a feeling here I will want to capture the environment as well as the subject, so am currently thinking of using the 5D2 with a medium-wide prime, say 35/2 or 40/2.8. I will take other lenses also, probably the 85/1.8 and 135/2, and 150 macro, just in case. Still, my gut feeling is I will probably spend most of the time on the wider end of that.

On that note, I probably should replace the standard focus screen as I currently have in there a cheap 3rd party I was experimenting with for manual focus. It does help, but messes up the exposure in ways I haven't determined yet.

I don't have a true wide angle though. Nearest I got is the 28-135 which I might leave in the car in case I get fed up with primes. I suppose I could dual-body too, with the 7D playing backup with say 15-85 or Samyang 8mm fisheye?

Well, if they allow you inside buildings, you may be really close up to things, and even a fish-eye like the Samyang could come in handy - I guess you have seen the funny cow shots showing huge cow heads in exaggerated perspective - not that you have to reproduce that :-). 

Anyway, the point is, don't compare it to a zoo where you have enforced distances. So, given you don't have anything like a 24-70, I'd take the 28-135, and perhaps your 7D as backup. 

Messages In This Thread
Prime Time - by popo - 06-06-2013, 08:06 PM
Prime Time - by Guest - 06-06-2013, 09:22 PM
Prime Time - by popo - 06-06-2013, 09:59 PM
Prime Time - by popo - 06-09-2013, 08:07 AM

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